Breaking News, July 11: Canadian Senator Larry Campbell is Summoned to Appear before Genocide Tribunal - Serial killer Willie Pickton, CSIS operative, former prostitute also issued Summons - see youtube link
The International Tribunal for the Disappeared of Canada (ITDC) is an international coalition of jurists and human rights groups.The ITDC was formed in September of 2018 with the aim of investigating the disappearance of aboriginal people in Canada and prosecuting those responsible. The ITDC arose because of continued efforts by the Canadian government to subvert justice by concealing and falsifying the truth of the genocide of native people in Canada, both past and present. The ITDC has three Canadian field offices in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto, and is connected to a central Brussels office at . Its Canadian headquarters can be contacted at .
Murder by Decree - The Crime of Genocide in Canada:
At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada's West Coast ,