A Brief Guide for the Politically Perplexed in Canaduh
Excerpted from “The Unauthorized English Canadian Dictionary” by Kevin Annett (2023)
The Unauthorized English Canadian Dictionary: Annett, Kevin: 9798387972102: Amazon.com: Books
Kevin-Annett-books-and-films.pdf (murderbydecree.com)
And Remember: DO NOT vote on October 21! It only encourages them.
Abdicate: What Charlie the Brainless must do.
Absentee: Someone who is missing, like a Member of Parliament during debates or Chinese landlords in Vancouver.
Anglican: Someone with a three-car garage.
Apology: What guilty people issue to avoid prison terms. Offering ‘an apology’ (which in fact means to defend one’s actions) is a popular Canadian custom, especially employed by clergy, politicians, corporate bigwigs, and other felons.
Assimilate: To eat up and eliminate something or someone, as in, “Oh darling, look at how well those cute Indians have been assimilated into our wonderful culture!”.
Backseat drivers: Ex-Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s expression for Canadian voters.
Beothuks: The first aboriginals to be exterminated by Europeans, who couldn’t tolerate the natives’ Newfie accents. Rumor has it that the Beothuks were abducted by UFO’s.
Canon (or cannon) Law: The means by which Canada was grabbed from all those unbelieving savages, church canons and cannons being employed with equal dexterity.
Catholics: That one third of Canadians who think they can buy their way into heaven.
Confederation: The backroom deal made by some rich white guys in Charlottetown on July 1, 1867 that created Canada. The four founding provinces were all in the east, and were boring ones: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario.
Crown Corporation: A company owned by the government that gets sold off to the big money porkers who bribed the right cabinet minister. Belch.
Deification: To treat someone like a god, like Quebecers do that putrid papal pederast in Rome. Deification is often confused with defecation.
Desmarais: Speaking of icons, this is the obscenely wealthy family that owns and runs Power Corporation and lots of Canada, thanks to their control of dynastic political families like the Trudeaus and the Chretiens.
Demonstrations: These are never staged in Canada unless the protesters have obtained legal permits and agreed to politely stop for red lights and not shout too loud.
Doublethink: Accepting contradictory ideas as if they were one and the same; a common Canadian trait, exhibited especially during elections.
Election: When people sign over their authority to a total stranger, in Canada’s case to a brain-dead foreign monarch. (Just read your MP’s Oath of Allegiance, dummy!)
Euphemism: Using a false and misleading word for something to avoid causing offense, like saying “abuse” instead of “mass murder”. Canadians excel in this deception.
Facile: To be simplistic and lacking in thought, like the CBC.
FIPA: The Foreign Investment Protection Act, enacted by both the Harper and Trudeau governments, that allows China to buy up Canada and even station its troops on our soil. No Canadian politician has ever opposed FIPA. Treason trials, anyone?
First Nations: A corporate designation created by the Canadian government. It refers to aboriginal tribes that have renounced their traditional sovereignty and been incorporated as municipalities and whose lands can then be alienated and sold. In short, the term refers to the final, legal extinction of indigenous identity and land ownership.
Genocide: Killing a targeted group, in whole or part. The “G” word is okay to use these days in Canada, now that the survivors have been bought off and gagged, and all the children’s bones are crushed to pulp and all the perps have been legally indemnified by an “apology”. So now, everyone is happy and reconciled, right? Besides, the government and churches wouldn’t lie to us, would they?