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Breaking News from The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) FOR IMMEDIATE GLOBAL RELEASE May 15, 2018 Historic Grand Jury to Investigate Church, State and Corporate Terror in Ireland: Top leaders will be subpoenaed

International Common Law Court of Justice
Breaking News from The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) FOR IMMEDIATE GLOBAL RELEASE May 15, 2018 Historic Grand Jury to Investigate Church, State and Corporate Terror in Ireland: Top leaders will be subpoenaed

Breaking News, May 15, 2018: Historic Grand Jury to Investigate Church, State and Corporate Terror in Ireland: "Top leaders will be subpoenaed"

Breaking News from The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)


May 15, 2018

Historic Grand Jury to Investigate Church, State and Corporate Terror in Ireland: "Top leaders will be subpoenaed"


Dublin: For the first time in history, a Grand Jury has been convened in Ireland to investigate charges that top church, corporate and government officials are colluding in child trafficking and murder, and in the targeting and killing of political activists.

Established under the Law of Nations by international jurists and Irish citizens, the Grand Jury, known as Onoir ("Honor" in Gaelic), has commenced its criminal investigations by issuing a Public Notice. That Notice reads in part,

The People of Ireland do hereby convene a Citizen Grand Jury to investigate the following matters:

- the targeting, terrorizing and death of political activists in Ireland,

- the institutionalized trafficking of children for profit, as well as the kidnapping, brutalizing and murder of children, by the Irish government, the Roman Catholic Church and the corporation known as TUSLA, and

- the widespread corruption of the Irish judiciary and Gardai police, and their involvement in the aforementioned campaign of terror and child trafficking


A copy of the complete Notice is posted below.

"The crimes and corruption that we are documenting appear to extend to the pinnacle of our society, and so top leaders will be subpoenaed to appear before our Grand Jury" said an Onoir spokesman today. "We have the mandate to recommend that a common law court be convened to indict and prosecute the guilty."

Onoir has the endorsement of numerous Irish human rights and political groups, jurists, and the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State, which in 2013 successfully prosecuted and forced into resignation Pope Benedict for Crimes against Humanity.

For more information contact the Information Officer of On oir at . Updates will be forthcoming.

Issued 15 May by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)



Issued this Fifteenth Day of May in the year 2018 in Dublin, Ireland




LET IT BE KNOWN that the People of the Republic of Ireland, their children and their liberties are facing unprecedented attacks from the Irish state and its courts, from corporations, and from the Roman Catholic church. All attempts to stop these attacks and win redress within the system have been repeatedly and unlawfully subverted by these powers, which are operating outside the law, accountability and due process.

ACCORDINGLY, under the Common Law and the Law of Nations, it is the right and duty of the People to seek their own means to secure their lives and liberties by investigating and making public these attacks and other crimes by the Irish state, the church and corporations, and to prosecute these institutions and their officers for subverting the rights of the People, so that these rights may be restored.

THEREFORE, under the authority of the Common Law, Natural Right and the Duty of Necessity, the People of Ireland do hereby convene a Citizen Grand Jury, to be known as Onoir (Honor), to investigate the following matters:

  1. the targeting, terrorizing and death of prominent political activists in Ireland,

  2. the institutionalized trafficking of children for profit, as well as the kidnapping, brutalizing and murder of children, by the Irish government, the Roman Catholic Church and the corporation known as TUSLA, and

  3. the widespread corruption of the Irish judiciary and Gardai police, and their involvement in this campaign of terror, murder and child trafficking.

Under the rule of law and legal process, the Irish Grand Jury will consist of fifteen duly sworn citizens who will determine from the evidence presented by a Public Prosecutor whether or not criminal charges should be brought against individuals and institutions named in the Grand Jury Indictment, within a Common Law Court of Justice convened in Ireland. The Irish Grand Jury will rely upon an informed and vigilant citizenry and its own Common Law Sheriffs in order to operate and to enforce its decisions.

This Notice is issued with the full force of the law and under the auspices of the International Common Law Court of Justice