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Breaking News, April 15: A Global Criminal Collusion: Protestant church officials and Pope to unify at summer solstice ceremony – Pact will be sealed in blood

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State - ITCCS
Breaking News, April 15: A Global Criminal Collusion: Protestant church officials and Pope to unify at summer solstice ceremony – Pact will be sealed in blood

Breaking News Release: Sunday, April 15, 2018

A Global Criminal Collusion:

Protestant church officials and Pope to unify at summer solstice ceremony â "Pact will be sealed in blood"

An Urgent Communique issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Covenant of Free Congregational Christians â The Covenanters

Breaking News Release: Sunday, April 15, 2018

A Global Criminal Collusion:

Protestant church officials and Pope to unify at summer solstice ceremony – "Pact will be sealed in blood"

An Urgent Communique issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Covenant of Free Congregational Christians – The Covenanters


Brussels and Geneva:


The World Council of Churches (WCC) – the global federation of non-Catholic churches - will welcome convicted war criminal Jorge Bergoglio (aka "Pope Francis") at its global conference on summer solstice, June 21 in Geneva. According to sources, the WCC leaders plan to negotiate the terms for the absorption of the main Protestant denominations into the Church of Rome, a convicted criminal syndicate.

According to a source within the WCC, these terms will include the formal adoption by Protestant churches of the Vatican's criminal policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas, that requires the systemic cover up and abetting of child trafficking, rape and murder, including the actions of the murderous Catholic Ninth Circle ritual child-killing network.

The same WCC source stated yesterday,

"At midnight on the solstice a heavily guarded ceremony will be held in the Catholic Basilica Notre-Dame on Rue Argand in Geneva. Only the top WCC leaders and the Pope will be there. We have all been warned to keep quiet about it, it's unofficial and very secret. But it's the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014 and ritual killing was indicated. I suspect their June 21 pact will be sealed in blood."

In response, an attempt to enforce the standing arrest warrant against Jorge Bergoglio will be made on June 21 in Geneva by ITCCS sheriffs aided by local police officers. Also, a protest and counter-conference is being held in Geneva on the same day as a witness against the criminal collusion of the World Council of Churches with the Vatican. The WCC officers have opened themselves to citizen arrests and legal sanctions for their colluding with a convicted criminal organization like the Church of Rome.

This latest obscenity is all the more reason for all citizens to confront the killers in clerical robes, and for all true Christians to leave these false churches.

For more information about how to be involved with the June 21 actions, contact or listen every Sunday at 11 pm GMT, 6 pm eastern, to Here We Stand, at .

Issued by the Directorate of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Covenant of Free Congregational Christians – The Covenanters ( .