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Boycott the British Columbia Election. Vote for the Republic

Republic of Kanata FLAG
Boycott the British Columbia Election, Vote for the Republic

Boycott the British Columbia Election, Vote for the Republic

Boycott the British Columbia Election, Vote for the Republic!
On October 24, people in British Columbia will be asked to ratify the covid police state measures that place all power in the hands of one man, the Lieutenant-Governor, and puts him and all politicians above the law. 
The Republic of Kanata calls on everyone to boycott the election and vote instead for the Republic through our alternative balloting system. 
Join the nearest Republican Assembly and take back power from a corporate system and its paid politicians!   
Post this link widely and join your local Common Law Republic Assembly. Write to and see . And distribute the attached flyer and National Law that outlaws covid measures.
Issued by the National Council of the Republic of Kanata
October 17, 2020
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