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BBS Radio on the front cover of the LOTUS GUIDE!

BBS Radio on the front cover of the LOTUS GUIDE!
BBS Radio on the front cover of the LOTUS GUIDE!

BBS Radio on the front cover of the LOTUS GUIDE!

BBS Radio's article in the LOTUS GUIDE!

Local and Global Family-Owned BBS Radio

Pioneers of Internet Talk Radio by Douglas Newsom

NOTE from Lotus Guide: I think we all know how challenging it can be in today's world to run a business; we all face similar difficulties in that regard. But when you have a business that runs on the latest technology, which is constantly evolving, this is another level of challenges altogether. We are very proud to introduce you to a family-owned business that is in our own backyard here in Northern California. Having a "family-owned business" can have yet another level of challenges, but when they are met and overcome... magic can happen. Doug and Donald's magic doesn't stop here, though. They are on their way to being the first totally green Internet radio company doing its part in reducing its environmental footprint and, at the same time, giving a voice to so many people who also want to help change the world, myself being one of those people.

~ Rahasya Uncensored - The Spiritual Activist Radio Show


If you could change the world for the better, and it took very little effort, would you? Do you think about it?

Do you ever muse over the human condition, the health of the planet, the well being of animals, the disconnect between government and society, the fear that so many have, and wonder what can be done about it? Even a little?

Would you do something if you could, if it was fun, inexpensive and life changing? What would that look like?

For Donald and I, (the founders of BBS Radio), it was internet radio! It gave Donald and I, the ability to change the lives of our hosts, listeners and ourselves!

BBS Radio began in 2003 as Blogin Service, a website where people were encouraged to blog about anything and everything. Yet notably, many of the bloggers seemed genuinely compelled to only write about information that could uplift the human heart and would affect people in a positive way. To facilitate this, a bulletin board system was created in 2003. In 2004, due to a strong desire, and a sense of urgency, by a few bloggers to record and broadcast their interesting phone conversations with the founder of BBS Radio (Donald Newsom), live to a world-wide audience, Blogin Broadcasting Services came into being (abbreviated BBS). The world was still coming to grips with 9/11 and great change was afoot. People wanted answers and others were looking to assist. Ultimately, the Company was born of a desire, by consciously aware individuals, to share their knowledge, far and wide. Now, BBS Radio is recognized as one of the very first networks in the world to provide live, remotely engineered, interactive radio broadcasting over the internet, and take live listener calls. In 2005, the domain was acquired, and in Feb. 2006 the Company was incorporate as BBS Network, Inc.

All great systems seem to grow from organic manifestations trying too address a perceived need, and Donald and Douglas Newsom, twin brothers, both, having recently experienced unique, life changing, metaphysical experiences (after years of meditation), recognized the importance of a media network that was not main stream, a powerful platform that could value diversity, elevate human potential, and help others take meaningful action toward personal growth. A network of real people, not beholden to sponsors and advertisers, capable of going outside the box and out on a limb, and left unfettered by big business, government, geography, capital and know how, and more importantly, management dictates. BBS Radio costs a fraction of the cost of traditional radio, and anyone can do it, from anywhere, with any device. Now, anyone with a genuine desire to become a catalyst for real change can; they have a platform and a system that can propel them into the spotlight. Radio creates great connections and a wealth of information and discovery, in fact, it's a remarkable catalyst to organic growth in so many ways, it's hard to relay. Life changing!

Change is not always easy or convenient, but it is often necessary! Sometimes it costs time, money, and takes great energy to create positive change, and that change may result in little or no personal reward. Yet on we strive for the common good. We must!

Today we find ourselves in a world where every person is capable of reducing their carbon footprint, reducing their dependence on chemically harmful fuels, which will help reduce pollution and propel green technologies, by simply buying solar!

Once you are aware, you become more responsible for your choices! And your choices end up defining who you are! There is no escaping this understanding! Even our court of laws takes this into account, our inner being and everyone else; every religion and culture on earth! Awareness of, knowledge, in and of itself, is both a reward and a responsibility!

With this in mind, BBS Radio's management sought to become one of the first, if not “the first,” Radio Broadcasting Company to go totally solar. As of February 2018, BBS Radio, located in Paradise, CA, got its energy from the sun!

Let's come together, BBS Radio and you! Let BBS Radio give you a platform that offers wisdom from insightful guests and access to known luminaries, people that can provide a dizzying showcase of information, breaking news and cutting edge commentary; ultimately opening doors, answering questions and solving problems!


Additional Information (this information is not published in the magazine)

We are so confident of who we are and what we do, we put our prices on our website, we list over 50 things we do free of charge, we provide our contact data, we answer every phone call, and we provide you with data statistics you can verify!

We do 160 million process requests on our main BBS Radio content server each month (our main server). We have 3 servers, dedicated servers, high end and "fully loaded" servers to load balance and handle all our traffic and processing requests, including our own streaming servers (and licensed lifetime software). We have 8 core processors on each server, 32 MB of ram and solid state drives. We use the highest levels of PHP, Mysql and Apache software, and we utilize the best content management system on the market. 87% of our resources are used to syndicate your shows to other locations.

Some shows get over 250,000 listeners per month while others get less than 1,000. It's a wide range!

Live listener numbers will fluctuate from 20 - 3,000 per hour, depending on the show. Not many sites in the world are set up to handle 3,000 simultaneous connections at a 128 mp3 stream. Most companies will charge you hundreds of dollars every month for a stream and package that can only handle between 100 - 250 live listeners. Truth be told, most can't handle over 100 simultaneous connections and never tell you this fact!

Our system handles 2 - 6 million page views per month, 7 - 20 Terabytes of data transfer per month. We have over 300,000 - 500,000 unique visitors per month, bringing our total hits to between 4 - 8 million each month.

Talk show broadcasts can be heard live on over 50 affiliate stations throughout the world, (and many, more we don't know of). Talk show podcasts (on demand show archives) can be heard on hundreds of other websites, podcast directories and radio portals. Many talk shows podcasts are also picked up by AM stations, Youtube channels and information networks.

All BBS Radio talk shows are individually and dynamically listed in iTunes & Google Play as podcasts. All shows have dynamic feeds that make it possible to distribute your podcasts to dozens, if not hundreds of the top podcast directories and radio portals on the world-wide-web.

Call us now and become a host! Be a part of our growing Family! Our team will take the time to syndicate your talk show program (free of charge) to over 20 of the largest radio and podcast portals on the world-wide web, and we will show you how to be in them all! No set up fees or contracts, ever!

We perform at a Diamond Level, our system and services, and our staff has more experience in this industry then almost any group in the world. We've been here since its inception! We've designed and engineered the systems we utilize! We can solve problems quickly, at no cost! We do talk radio right!

You will enjoy doing business with us! We have one price. We won't nickel and dime you for anything! We are personable, likable and attentive! We know radio has the capability to change your life, providing content, connections and ideas, and can organically open doors to a world of possibilities! It's not only life-changing, it's a game changer! No equipment necessary!

Call Doug or Don, the 'BBS Radio Twins' Now!

888-710-8061 toll free US/Canada or 323-744-4828