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Article by Mark Susnow July 15, 2016

Mark Susnow - Moonshot

There was the swing, the slide, the seesaw and the sandbox. And of course the other kids. Once you felt safe, you let go and forgot about time.You weren't concerned with what you had to do "afterwards;" you didn't even think about "afterwards" or tomorrow. You were in the moment. Nothing else mattered. You can be there again!

Perhaps more than even ever this message is timely. There was a time when you didn't worry about yesterday or tomorrow. You were totally engaged in the moment. Do you remember what that was like?  
Many of us have fond memories of playing at the playground. There was the swing, the slide, the seesaw and the sandbox. And of course the other kids.  Once you felt safe, you let go and forgot about time.You weren't concerned with what you had to do "afterwards;" you didn't even think about "afterwards" or tomorrow. You were in the moment. Nothing else mattered. You can be there again.
For some of us that playground might have looked different. It might have been the park or the street in front of our house. There was always a game that you could play that was played before by other kids. If there wasn't a game you liked, you used your imagination and made one up, including the rituals that went along with it.  Because it was your 'magical playground,' you were in your own world, with your own set of rules.
Then one day you grew up and the game got more serious.  In this new game, there was a new set of rules that put more emphasis and importance on results, money, rather than on fun and play. You worried about the loose ends and uncertainty in your life. You worried about tomorrow, and whether you were good enough to make it, whatever making it meant for you.  You forgot about the magical playground. It was just a distant memory.
In this new game you created a story. You believed that because of the demands of this new game that you didn't have time for play but it actually works the other way.  When you make time for play and what's meaningful for you, you'll get better results in the bigger game of life.  You'll struggle less and be more fun to be around. 
When you're excited about one aspect of your life that enthusiasm spreads to your entire being. People pickup on it, even though you might not be aware of it.  Your passion and enthusiasm is contagious. People want to be around you.
We use our imagination all of the time. When we worry we drive ourselves nuts by imagining worse case scenarios. There's a better way we can use our imagination; a way that is exciting and fulfilling-a way that empowers us.
We rediscover a magical playground for our lives today.  We dream again. We are happy. We are courageous. We have vision. We believe our lives will turn out better than we expected. Yes that might require a stretch of the imagination, but why not stretch it. Just for fun take some time now and imagine that your life has exceeded your expectations. Imagine, who you become in the process and, the different parts you get to play.  In truth you have been doing this all along. As Shakespeare wrote in As you Like It.
"All the world's a stage.
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts."
Whatever stage you are on in your life journey, you've already played many parts and I'm sure you'll play many more. Each role has its unique set of rules, language, rituals and costumes. I've played lawyer, musician, father, husband and athlete and now I'm playing wise elder.
Are you ready to create the next part? If you are-then
                        IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO ENTER
On the entrance to your magical playground is the following:
"To dream - again. To dare - again.
     To feel enjoyment and happiness - again,
                     or for the first time.
                            To realize - Ah, this is living ---
                                   This is the stand I take!"
Each day take some time to be in that playground. I like to start my day there. It gets me ready for the day. Some of what you have just read is from my new book, The Soul of Uncertainty, which will be released October 15th.
Please feel free to pass this letter onto those in your circle. You know I like to hear from you. Let me know what new parts  you are playing. You don't have to audition.
Thank you for being part of the Inspire Possibility Community. 
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Until next time,
     Journey On
THE SOUL OF UNCERTAINTY will be released this fall:
A young man just setting out in life encounters a mysterious  "modern day mystic," Mervin, who promises to help him tap into magical powers inside himself to attain a sense of inner freedom,of joy, and his soul's purpose.  In the manner of The Alchemist, The Soul of Uncertainty is a powerful fable that shows the human experience of life in all its ups and downs, forgetting and remembering, on a journey of spiritual adventure.

Mark Susnow, knows change. At the turn of the new millennium, he transitioned from a successful career as a trial attorney to what he does now as an Executive Life Advisor inspiring others to believe in themselves.

He is a cutting-edge thought leader. His enthusiastic and inspiring keynotes on change, leadership and connection reach into his audiences and activates their capacities to live a more engaging and fulfilling life.

Mark supports his clients from his first hand experience of integrating what it takes to be successful in the marketplace, with the inner wisdom and emotional intelligence unfolded to him from years of meditation and yoga.

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