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Article by KarenSchoen September 12, 2015

WHICH PATH? CHOOSE! - Path of Light...Or Darkness and a Golden Calf?

Let us pull together, and come to agreement on the Path this Nation takes!

Path of Light...Or Darkness and a Golden Calf?

This week begins the most Holy Time in the Jewish Calendar.

As a child I remember putting on my finest dress, and going to Grandma and Poppy's for Rosh Hashanah.  Oh the food. The table set with a long line of never-ending delicacies.  I, of course, "helped" Grandma cook.  I remember the huge chopping bowls, the rounded chopping knives, the hand meat grinder I used to chop the liver and make the gefilta fish.  I can even smell the matzoh ball soup cooking, ever so slowly. 

Sadly, when I go back to recapture some of those recipes, the food never tastes the same. That is the down side of learning the dangers of cooking with chicken fat. We have replaced those cholesterol fill recipes with healthy cooking, replaced the chopping knives with a food processor, replaced the hand grinder with an electric one, and the slow cooker with a microwave. All done in the name of progress. 

But what good is progress if we forget our roots, values and traditions along the way? 


But is Progress really progress...If we forget our roots,

values, and traditions along the way? 
What good is Progress...if we forget who we are?

School texts now eliminate Christianity and Judaism and students are forced to pledge to Allah.  As a former teacher, I remember teaching classes called Religion, where we explored religions, and discovered how religious beliefs are so interwoven that it makes trying to separate the underlying values difficult. 

The purpose was to give an understanding to my students so when they grew up they would not demonize or continually misunderstand traditions. I felt it is important to know all religions. It is the lack of understanding of religious values keeps us separated.  If you do not understand heritage, it is almost impossible to understand motivations.


As we prayed in Temple, I remember asking G-d for forgiveness of my sins but also thanking G-d that we lived in America where I would not have to suffer the atrocities bestowed upon the Jews of the past.  I felt safe at peace, at home.

Rosh Hashanah, the celebration of the Jewish New Year, 5776 - begins at Sundown, Sunday, Sept. 13. Why 5776?  Because the Jewish Calendar begins at the Dawn of Man, BC (Before Christ). 

The Jewish Holidays are never the same days every year, because the Jewish calendar is based on the LUNAR (moon) cycles, with 13 months, each having 28 days.

Rosh Hashanah is a quieter Holy Day time, celebrating the creation of the World, lasting 10 days and ending with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement.)

Yom Kippur is the Holiest Day, whereby Jews all over the world fast, pray for forgiveness and ask G-d to be written in the book of life for another year. 

During this week, the Torah (Jewish Holy Scroll) is read.  A passage tells of the time when Moses delivered to Jews to Canaan (later called Israel).  When Moses left to get the Ten Commandments, he did not return in a timely manner. No cell phones existed, so calling to say he will be late is out of the question!

The Jews, fearful of Moses' demise,

abandoned G-d and made false idols (the Golden Calf),

and began worshiping the Golden Calf.

When Moses returned with the Ten Commandments, G-d told Moses the people must pay for their sins. So, for forty more years, the Jews were forced to roam aimlessly in the desert.  

Moses replaced Ten Commandments, but was never allowed into the Promised Land. Instead, the people were told that they must CHOOSE. They must choose a life with G-d in the Promised Land, or Darkness...doomed to wandering in the desert.

They chose G-d, and Joshua led the Jews into Canaan.  
Today, I feel we are back to the Beginning
G-d is with us, but only if we follow His path.

I fear that the Iran Nuke Deal, filled with Lies and Deceit - will lead us down the path of Darkness. Following the Regime, to me... is like CHOOSING to follow the Golden Calf.  The good news is, Americans are realizing the Golden Calf is hollow.

Today, I feel that we are being asked to CHOOSE. 

Choose the path of Life, with Morality and G-d...

or a Life of Darkness, doomed to worshiping a Golden Calf,

aimlessly wandering in the desert.

As we learned in history, the road to Freedom is never easy...or fairBut we are blessed.  We live in America, and Americans will not give up their freedom with ease.  This week I will pray.  I will pray not only for myself and my family, but for America.  I know we are strong, and I know now is the time to face the uncertainty together.
“L’shana tovah”:  is the way Jews greet each other on Rosh Hashanah, with the Hebrew phrase “L’shana tovah,” which translates to “for a good year.”
I wish you all “L’shana tovah” and may you ALL be written in the Book of Life.
In Liberty,
Karen Schoen