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21st Century global Spiritual Leadership and Wellness Conference

21st Century global Spiritual Leadership and Wellness Conference
21st Century global Spiritual Leadership and Wellness Conference
Blessings to You!
I am so thankful to be included in the BBS family of truth sayers, light workers, love exalters, healers and all who you assist in touching, lifting, inspiring, teaching and changing the world.
I am thankful for the opportunity to speak this month in Paris at the 21st Century global Spiritual Leadership and Wellness Conference to be held May 24th and 25th.  I am fundraising to assist in Airfare and as well as funds to cover my Center's overhead for the month. 
I am setting a goal of $12,000 that would be sufficient, more is always appreciated. May I depend upon you to give something towards this auspicious opportunity for me (and my two assistants) to become better known as the Voice of Resurrection and Heraldess of the Eternal amongst those who may not be familiar with me but also giving me opportunity to create alliances with others who are passionate in creating the New Earth and New Humanity that begins with our transcending, transforming and transmuting all that has been into that which fuels the fires of spirits to become ever more the more we are as vessels of light, love, wisdom and truth.
I have never been one to ask people for much, but instead spend much time in prayer, praise, gratitude and thanksgiving, and have been guided to ask for your support in this moment,  as you have been so supportive of me and perhaps more than many know my heart.
There is a Go Fund Me Page that some of my mentees set up, but I would prefer if you find in your heart and capacity to make a financial donation that you use either of my PayPal accounts; or
I also may receive donations via Zelle:
Apple Pay (678-760-9299) or Cash App $AAAlaji.
Thank you so much for your consideration and support. The plane fare is my most immediate concern as I am scheduled to be there the 21st - 28th. 
Blessings All Over, Through and Surrounding You and Yours Always!!
In the light of Love,
Adama,   The Voice of Resurrection / Heraldess of the Eternal
Producer & Host of The Meeting of the Inner Circle every Thursday Night Midnight-6am (EST) 11pm CST  10pm MST  9pm PST  89.3FM