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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, TIPPY FELZENSTEIN January 20, 2020
Author, and advocate for a more powerful life and spiritual awakening.

From the Heart of Jerusalem to the Hollywood Elite, Tippy tumbled between a plan to succeed and the punches that forced her off track. Finally, the abuse grew too big, and she gave up on life wishing only for one end it all, and just die.

"Be careful about what you wish because you probably will get it"

Someone told her that, but she did not really believe it. But, the

Law Of Attraction does not need you to believe in it --in order to function, and her wish came true, and death was knocking on her door. Actually, death claimed for a bit, and she surrendered to it, but love forced Tippy to return to her broken body and put Humpty Dumpty together again!


Author of Wake up and Plan for Roses. You’re going to die with or without a plan, but don’t do it without this book! To plan or not to plan? That is the question. As a result of a near-fatal car accident, that Tippy endured, she was shocked and dismayed to discover that it was all planned, BY HER!

Almost every bone in her body broke when her car flew off a highway nicknamed “Death Alley” (Highway 126 CA) and into the abyss. She woke up at the bottom of the mountain, paralyzed and helpless. She had to re-evaluate her entire life. Her memoir invites you to discover how you are planning all those things you don’t want in your life. More importantly, it guides you to transform your life by living according to your plan. It points you in the direction of a major “Planning Makeover.” A plan for the rosy future of your dreams.

Tippy is also the Author of Manifestation Resistance. It's a short book that reveals dozens of ways people unknowingly make their lives more difficult.

19 common things that are keeping YOU from getting what you want

  • 9 quick & easy solutions for drastically faster manifestations

  • 8 myths about success that are holding you back

  • 7 ways to save yourself from bad Neuro-Linguistic programming (NLP)

  • 6 behaviors you must stop right away

  • Plus, TONS of insight and inspiration from some of the greatest teachers in the world


Tippy is an author, a talk show host, and a motivator. She specializes in overcoming difficult situations and healing through storytelling. She earned her B.A. from Brooklyn College and went on to acquire her real estate license in California. She helped victims of the real estate crash in 2008 when thousands were underwater. Tippy is dedicated to helping people pursue and accomplish their goals. She is currently working on principals for higher living.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Aminah Ramezany January 29, 2020
Motivational Speaker, Pet Psychic and Trainer

Motivational Speaker, Pet Psychic, and Trainer

With so many ways to say the same thing, have you thought about how you communicate with family, friends, co-workers, &/or difficult people? Most likely yes. Let's add another layer. How do you communicate with nature, animals, the world? Pet Psychic & Communicator Aminah, will show you the layers of communication that all of us have. How to do and be better at not only sending out your messages but maybe, & more importantly, receiving the correct messages.

Hearing the passion in which Aminah speaks is a joy because she adds her lifelong experiences in hearing the animals, flowers, and the world speaks. Quote: "All my life I have spoken to and heard the animals, plants, people, & earth. When I was very young I just thought everyone did but quickly realized this was not the case as no one seemed to "see" and "hear" what I did. Now, having spent a lifetime working hands-on with all types of pets, exotic animals, trained, worked in veterinarian care, actively involved in promoting rescue services, teaching co-existing, besides all my experience with nature in all forms, it is humbling to get to share all this knowledge with others.”

Aminah's Story

"All my life I have spoken to and heard the animals. When I was very young I just thought everyone did but quickly realized this was not the case as no one seemed to "see" and "hear" what I did. Having spent a lifetime working hands-on with all types of "pets",  exotic animals, trained, worked in veterinarian care, and been actively involved in promoting rescue services, it is humbling to now get to share all this knowledge with others. By helping to read other people's animals is now the way I share this magical gift so they too can "hear" their furry children. Every reading is different, as we and our pets are all unique. Join me as I travel the world, help others, grow in knowledge, and every day help the animals."

Aminah's Gift

"I imagine every psychic is different, so for me, my best connection is You. Your relationship/tie to your pet, living or not, is my connection to you both. That is why I do not need to have us all in the same place or even the same plain. Let me help you strengthen that bond with a better understanding for you both."

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Kenneth Hyde Hopkins February 17, 2020
Author of Earth Transformations

Kenneth has had and continues to have, Out of Body experiences, time travel, contact, and dialogues with celestials, psychic awareness, and telepathic communications. He is currently in the process of video rerecording his night home abductions, which have been identified in still pictures as Plasma Teleportation.  

He is the author of “Earth Transformations”. 
This is a book written for Contactees about the beginning of awareness and the journey ahead. Many of us have had thousands of contacts with Celestials and are not aware of this. These Celestial contacts can be recalled in dreamlike memories.


As a young child, Kenneth became involved in Mk-Ultra, with a Dr. Vincent Perlo out of Harvard and Yale Universities. He grew up unaware of his abductions, missing time, wrist watches not working, and scuffs on his shoes were mysteries he could not understand as a child. While attending Northeastern University he was given a job working for a Defense Department Contractor and became involved with the Department of Defense, and a series of abductions. 


Kenneth has experienced abductions since infancy by three different groups and has been under surveillance for 40 years. Several homicides and surveillance had him run into the Navy to hide. He ignored missing time for many years, then pursued hypnosis and became aware of the incidences of abductions.


For 10 years now since birth, Kenneth has been explaining these interdimensional experiences through hypnosis. This process has illuminated memories of souls' interactions and purposes.

Through sharing these experiences he's hoping to gather Beings with these realities to deal together with an awakening of our eternal souls' incarnational missions.


BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Dr Sylvia Hood Washington PhD ND January 13, 2020
Interdisciplinary trained and Board Certified Lymphatic Therapist and complementary alternative healthcare practitioner

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington, PhD, ND, MPH, CLT-LANA, BCTMB, HTCP, RYT-500,  is an interdisciplinary trained and Board Certified Lymphatic Therapist  and complementary alternative healthcare practitioner.   Born with congenital lymphedema she is  dedicated to working with patients suffering from lymphedema, lipedema, chronic venous insufficiency, chronic edema and those with compromised immune systems and suffering from diseases like Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diabetes.     

Dr. Sylvia also uses  green complementary and alternative medicine to support environmentally sensitive populations (e.g. asthma, bronchitis, lupus and COPD). Dr. Washington is a formally trained epidemiologist (MPH),  a  Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP)and formally trained as a Naturopath with a Doctorate in Naturopathy (ND), and a Certified Lymphatic Therapist through the Lymphology Association of North America (CLT-LANA).  Dr. Washington has also been certified through the National Board Certification for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCTMB) and is a  nationally registered yoga instructor (RYT-500).

 She offers services in  Manual Lymphatic Drainage(MLD-Vodder) and Decongestive Therapy (Wrapping and Compression),  Lymphatic Energy Drainage (HTCP),  Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD), Lymphatic Yoga  and Lymphatic Breath-work (RYT-500) and Naturopathic Coaching and Counseling (ND). 

As a formally trained Prenatal and Postpartum Doula, Dr. Sylvia offers prenatal and postnatal massage( BCTMB, LMT) for moms experiencing pain, edema and congestion.

A former journeyman Electronic Controls Engineer(MSE)  from NASA, Dr. Sylvia  operates out of an environmentally healthy building, The Green Buddha Sustainability Center, that is a registered LEED Gold building project.  The historic building was renovated to promote the environmental and public health of both its clients and workers.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Frank P Daversa January 15, 2020
Author of Spirituality in the 21st Century

“The Best Way To Rise Above Our Default Paths Is To Grow Spiritually.”

—Frank P. Daversa

Frank P. Daversa was an agnostic for 20 years. Today, he has evolved past that state and now writes books and conducts interviews for the spiritual community on how to live and thrive in an increasingly materialistic world.

Frank’s departure from agnosticism began when he contracted a serious illness in 1997, which shifted his outlook, restored his faith, and transformed his way of being. A published author, Frank’s third book, Spirituality in the 21st Century, was written for all those who yearn for meaning in their lives and a vision with which to achieve it.

Why Read This Book? 6 Reasons To Start With...

    1. Learn how to develop your spirituality in all aspects of your life.

    2. Become a more complete person and achieve new levels of fulfillment.

    3. Uncover a rewarding and fulfilling understanding of different spiritual viewpoints and God.

    4. Discover the role spirituality plays in relationships with others.

    5. Understand the wider role your spiritual education can have on your societal growth as a citizen of earth.

    6. See politics, environment, and other social issues through the lens of your spiritual journey.

Frank P. Daversa is a published author who writes books and conducts interviews for the spiritual community to help them understand new and revolutionary ways to live and thrive in today's world. He was raised in South Hempstead, NY. It was during his college years that he honed his writing skills. He earned his A.A.S. degree in 1981 with honors. Two years after earning his B.S. degree in 1986, Frank moved to Houston, TX. He worked 14 years in the corporate world before becoming a writer in 2007.

He published his first web article on spirituality in 2008, and his first book, "Young Adolf: An Alternate History" in 2011. He published his second book, "Politics in America: A Guide to the Two-Party System" in 2012.

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