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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Life Changes Show Guest, Melanie Marden September 02, 2024
Hollywood Actress, Healer, Filmmaker, Author

After losing her Mom to brain cancer in 2008, Melanie set out on a global quest to find the truth about cancer therapies and cures. What she found changed her life forever. She decided to make a documentary titled “Cure This,” that would lead her to the knowledge that cancer had been cured.

Having gained so much ancient wisdom through global interviews with Doctors, PhD’s, and scientists she decided the film was not enough and a book was necessary to arm the public with the needed information to save their life.

The book is appropriately titled “Save Your Life.”

After many successful years acting in Hollywood, she decided to make her exit and dedicate her life to healing both herself and helping others do the same.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Mark Pfoff September 02, 2024
Former El Paso County Sheriff investigator, owner of Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics

Mark Pfoff




Mark Pfoff is owner of Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics which provides consulting for civil and criminal cases throughout the United States.  He has worked on projects from New York to Alaska. RMCF uses specialized software to examine computers, cell phones and cell phone records.

Mark is a court qualified expert in computer forensics, cell phone forensics, and cell phone technology. He is also an expert in police procedures and investigations; to include interviewing and interrogation techniques, proper digital evidence collection, and methods to obtain best digital evidence.

RMCF's mission statement:

"Provide forensic examinations of digital evidence using best practices; provide accurate and detailed reports of our findings; and provide expert courtroom testimony"

Cattle Rancher

Mark has a herd of Black and Red Angus cattle in Eastern Colorado.  His cattle graze in open pastures during the summer and are fed a combination of hay and grain during the winter. His herd expands every spring with the addition of calves. Mark's herd has grown to over 50 with more calves on the way.

School Board Member

Mark was the longest serving school board member for Lewis-Palmer School District 38 since term limits were enacted.  He was elected three times serving 12 years. He served twice as President and held every position during his tenure.  Lewis-Palmer is a high-achieving school district with one of the highest on-time graduation rates in the state of Colorado.

During his tenure the school district maintained a balanced budget, increased reserves, and was ranked as one of the top ten school districts in Colorado.

He completed his fourth and final term in December of 2019.

Raising Expectations Guest, Dr Marianne Cintron and Will Cintron August 26, 2024
Educator, Classroom Teacher, Dyslexia Advocate, Organization Founder

Marianne Cintron, EdD

Commissioned with the national vision of bringing literacy to over 300,000 students each year, Dr. Marianne Cintron founded and presides over Step By Step Dyslexia Solutions. Being an inspiring educator and classroom teacher for 26 and 10 years respectively, this exceptional woman enriches the lives of all that come in contact with her.

Dr. Marianne Cintron established Cintron Orton – Gillingham Reading Institute which provides people with the opportunity to participate in two different and completely educative virtual training programs.  She follows the Science of Reading and her testimonials in this industry have made room for her voice to be a force all over the world.

She is an author, a public speaker, and the owner of a 4 YouTube Channels and a Podcast channel with over 1.54K subscribers and 351episodes with nearly 1000 views per video. She is a regular guest speaker on BBC TV/radio Raising Expectations and an annual speaker at the Promise Governance Leadership Conference every September.

She has a Doctorate Degree in Education Leadership and Administration and has never been selfish with her ideas, structure, and planning process such that people also burdened with the responsibility to help children win have benefited from her wealth of knowledge. On a mission to help illiterate incarcerated adults read, she zealously shares relevant information with parents and educators.

She was the Vice-President of Christian Business Partners in Upland and also a member of the Global Society of Female Entrepreneurs until she took on a full-time role to teach students in a home-hospital setting. She was in her fourth term as a board member for the International Dyslexia Association in the Tri-County Branch in California and a contributor to the Frameworks for California Teacher Credentialing related to dyslexia training. She currently is a Board Member of Film Advisory Board (FAB) with Michael Connley.

In 2021, Dr. Marianne was the recipient of several awards: Social Impact Award Finalist – Lady in Blue, Lifetime Legacy Award Nominee – National Women of Influence, 100 Women Global Award – CD Wilson Events. In addition, she earned certificates from different reputable organizations, Certificates of Recognition from the California State Assembly, the California State Senate, and the Country of Riverside. She authored a Proclamation on October Being Dyslexia Awareness Month in Pomona, California, signed by five city council members. She has authored and published seven books in total, amongst which three are focused on the impact of music in helping to teach dyslexic people to read. She is also published in the PGI (Promise Governance Institute) Anthology III Integrity in Leadership (2021). She will speak about Truth in Education for Anthology IV.

Dr. Marianne’s passion for education is also displayed in the unrelenting pursuit of her personal development and education too. She possesses a Masters Degree in both General Education and Special Education.  She currently has two California Teaching Credentials for General Education and Mild to Moderate Special Education. With over 200 hours of Orton – Gillingham practicum training, Dr. Marianne has proven to be an expert in dyslexia. It is worthy to mention that, along with her curriculum and training videos, she is also an app developer (CDSM). Her programs are widely recommended across the globe and are currently used in the United States, Canada, India, Africa, and the Philippines.

On A Personal Note
Apart from her passion for education, Dr. Marianne is also family oriented. She is a native of California and has been married to William for 34 years. She is an amazing mother to three children; Randy, Richard (who is married to Nicolina), Laura, and grandmother to Olivia. Her faith and love for the Lord Jesus and for people is undebatable. She is very involved in her church and community. Dr. Marianne has a number of hobbies which includes bike-riding on the beach, hikes in Yosemite, and vacations in Hawaii.

She deserves all the applause she currently gets. For someone whose career started from subbing in her children’s pre-school to being a substitute teacher in a mental health hospital before fully diving into education, she never imagined the realization of five degrees with a call to reveal that “Dyslexia Is a Trait of Genius”.


Dr. Marianne discovered the affinity between music and reading; and how it helps with dyslexia.
She aims to unlock the genius mind of a person that has dyslexia by helping them read, build their self-esteem, and realize their full potential.
Her popular music app; CDSM – Cintron Dyslexia Solutions with Music which was developed to work with her Step by Step reading program was created with dyslexic kids in mind.
Dyslexia – A Trait of Genius: How to Unlock the Genius Mind of Your Dyslexic Child
This book takes you through Dr. Cintron’s journey to become a Dyslexia Specialist and she outlines the Six Keys to Unlocking Your Dyslexic Child’s Genius. G – Discover their Giftedness, E – What Gets your Child Enthusiastic, N- The Neuroscience of the Brain and Reading, I – The Innovation of Dyslexic People like Walt Disney, Leonardo Da Vinci, Stephen Spielberg, Steve Jobs and more, U – The Unique Approach to Teaching Reading, S- the Successes of Present Day Dyslexic Geniuses.

The Metaphysical Hour Guest, Triona Sheeran August 30, 2024
Clinical Therapist, Level 3 QHHT Practitioner, Teacher

Tríona Sheeran is a clinical therapist specializing in trauma and a spiritual mentor since 2015. She specializes specifically in QHHT® (Level 3) (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), Life Between Lives Regression Therapy and self empowerment through conscious and soul exploration.

She is a fully qualified, accredited trainer who provides training and mentoring to students around the world. She has studied coaching, psychotherapy and CBT, DBT, Child Psychology in addition to her holistic modalities including hypnosis, trance, altered states and intuitive modalities working with energy.

Tríona now works all over the world with one-to-one services, group training and retreats. Triona spent years studying and working in past life regressions to transform trauma. She specializes in people’s awakening and consciousness.

“Sometimes the most difficult thing people struggle with is their own self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-empowerment. By removing blocks, they access their higher self-guidance and knowledge, to truly know who they are at a soul level. Through the various modalities I offer, this is what I hope to give to you. Aswell as  regular mastaclasses, worships and courses and events.”

Earlier life and career
When Triona looks back at her earliest experiences, she recalls being aware of being something different. Indeed, she was often described as being ‘sensitive’. Staring at the stars, fascinated with how the mind worked even at the tender age of 4. Willing objects to move.

“I was terrified of the dark from as early as I can remember, sensing the presence of something else in my awareness”, she explains.

On leaving school, Triona initially thought her working life would be in the Pure Sciences. However, she soon found her interests lay in Computer Science in Dublin. She worked as a successful IT manager for Irish Ryanair Hotels and Dell for 13 years.

Life took a dramatic turn when Triona became sick during her second pregnancy and she suffered acute renal failure.

During this time, Triona suffered ‘several’ near-death experiences and long hospital stays. It was not an easy road, but she remained focused and determined to achieve the milestones she had set for the journey ahead.

In those early days of recovery, Triona began to feel she could, at last, plan that healthy future with her husband Barry and her children.  Unfortunately tragedy struck with the sudden death of her husband Barry.

‘This was a completely shocking and shattering experience. It cracked me wide open. I went through a profound Spiritual awakening. It’s what I call my full awakening, with all the physical and emotional changes that went with that. I started seeing, feeling and smelling so much clearer across what some people call ‘the Veil’, (Clairvoyance, Clair-sentience & Clairalience). It was a turning point for me to dedicate my life to the exploration of the afterlife and healing’

Unfathomable knowledge
The senses and abilities she had been aware of as a child, opened up. Through her immense grief, there came an understanding that through that tragedy, there was love. Love continues after death and in spirit realms.

‘I had a thirst for knowledge about the afterlife, spiritual philosophies, consciousness, metaphysics and meditation, mediumship and channeling. I wanted to get a wider understanding of the incarnate and discarnate soul and its consciousness, and life in and between the afterlife. This led me to research and study so many modalities and I soon found I had an aptitude to work in trance states, using hypnosis and channeling and regression to obtain information and clarity on the soul. Naturally, this led me to ponder life’s big questions such as Why are we here?’

Trained to the highest standard in the world, Tríona passes this knowledge onto others and offers various certified training in past life practitioner and healing.

Contact Tríona today to create ripples in your own life. 

The Sports Doctor Guest, Gary Reinl September 04, 2024
Trainer of Trainers, Electric Muscle Stimulation Specialist & Author

Gary Reinl has spent nearly forty years in the sports-medicine field, with diverse experiences ranging from training professional athletes to pioneering the field of strength-building for women during the pregnancy year to developing rehabilitation programs for injured workers. Additionally, his ground-breaking senior strength-building protocol has now been implemented in more than 1,000 senior living facilities. Gary has authored two previous books, Making Mama Fit [Leisure Press, 1983] and the 2007 “fat loss” book Get Stronger, Feel Younger [Rodale Press].

"I simplify the complex worlds of sports medicine, fat loss, rehabilitation, and exercise science. I have trained thousands of therapists, physicians, allied health professionals and athletes on the topics of strength-building and electronic muscle stimulation. My work has been featured in hundreds of media outlets nationwide and I have co-authored two books and many related documents and articles. The "Sports Medicine for 95-year-olds" program that I designed has been implemented into more than 1000 senior living facilities nationwide. For more information see "Too Weak To Walk" here: Specialties: Program development, media and public relations"

Gary lives in Henderson, Nevada, with his wife, Susan. He has two grown children, Mandy and Casey, and three grandchildren, Harper, Hendrick, and Eleuthera.

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