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This Sunday October 29 on Here We Stand, a Special Reformation Anniversary Program - The Oldest Lie and the Greatest Crime
Jesus and the Bankers
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The Oldest Lie and the Greatest Crime: Ending the Reign of the False Church 
A Special Reformation Anniversary Program on Here We Stand
This Sunday, October 29 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT on
With your hosts Kevin Annett and Katie Stoqua
Christian churches have led the genocidal slaughter of untold millions of people and continue to traffic, rape and murder children with impunity, armed with your tax money. Why and how have they done so? By what means do they and their compliant government and corporate allies conceal their crimes and exonerate themselves? And how have we successfully prosecuted and stopped these false and murderous churches and the evil behind them?
Kevin and Katie will describe the ongoing campaign to spiritually and politically disestablish the criminally convicted Churches of Rome, England and Canada. Today's program commences a two day period of global prayer and fasting designed to call out and separate people from these corporations, and to launch new Covenanted Congregations free of the legacy of colonialism and genocide. It is indeed time for all of us to "Come out from their evil and be separated". (2 Corinthians 6:17)
For background listen to last week's program "Sovereignty and Re-Formation" at this link:
See also and .
United Church of Canada