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Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Christopher Langan earned the reputation as the 'Smartest Man in America' if not the world, since very few if any have been documented with an IQ of 208.  Langan speaks about his Cognitive Theoretical Model of the Universe, his upcoming book, and answers a barrage of questions from the audience on all manner of topics - everything from the religious and metaphysical to the political and conspiratorial.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session begins with a brief discusion about the current energies and how we are witnessing the dissolution in our personal lives, within the collective and in the Earth as well. PielleAyan asks for clarification on the comment from last weeks session that withought thought there is no lower mind. Shusara talks about the sliding scale of mind from lower to higher and how we move along that scale all the time without realizing it. We look specifically at the Christ and how it moves in the world. At the end Shusara shares a poignant story about the state of enlightenment.

The Journey 8 with Rev. Judy Hosner.

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #32 on BBS Radio!

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Debut Episode on BBS Radio

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara begins this session with addressing the need of the seeker to walk their spiritual talk. Too many seekers have conceptual understandings but do not strive to live them in their daily lives. You are here at this time to move into greater and greater levels of mastery and this can only be demonstrated by how you live in the world.

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #12

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara begins this session by discussing the importance of having the seeker ask that his/her objective observer come into being. The session focuses on the role of the observer and it's paramount importance to dissolution work. The trials and tribulations of the personal self are not experienced by the observer. Moving deeper into to objective observer allows the seeker to witness and dissect the patterning of the personal self without any attachment to its story.

RAJASHREE CHOUDHURY, Founder and President of USA Yoga, and Co-Founder of the Bikram system of Yoga talks about Bikram Yoga, its history, development, philosophy, and practice for healing, weight loss and well being.  Rajashree also talks about Pregnancy Yoga - a form of Yoga she developed to help nurture a mother and her baby.