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Here We Stand with Rev. Kevin Annett

Topic: How to Launch and Build Common Law Assemblies: Practical Advice from Front Line Patriots

Live introduction leads into a rerun of June 14, 2020
What is the Republic of Kanata and how do we create it?

Dawson's Domain with Jeff Dawson

YouTube Video Link:

Dawson's Domain with Jeff Dawson

YouTube Video Link:

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

Guest, Christian Toto, Editor,

6-time Grammy Award nominated, 3-time Grammy Award winning engineer, producer, mixer, sound designer and front of house engineer Marc Urselli works with artists from around the world.

As guitarist for pop-metal band Danger Danger, he toured the world opening for Kiss and Alice Cooper, sold over a million records worldwide, and had two #1 videos on MTV, plus amassing a discography that includes 7 solo releases that range from blazing guitar instrumentals, to blues, and even a Beatles/Elvis Costello-inspired collection of pop tunes.

Here We Stand with Rev. Kevin Annett and guests Dena Churchill and Mike Holt

Topic: How to Launch and Build Common Law Assemblies: Practical Advice from Front Line Patriots

Former Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign Staffer

The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests