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You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford - Another show of insight and humor, thought provoking and addicting.

You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford - join the conversation that goes in every direction.

How would like to wake up and see a brand new world. A world full of possibilities, joy, love and wonder.  A world capable of respect, justice, honesty and kindness.  How that could be your world. Well, guess what? That world is available to you right now.  All that it requires is one very simple shift of perception.  Find out what that shift is and how you can make it on our upcoming show, March 10, when the topic will be "Innocent Perception."

You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford - join the conversation that goes in every direction.

Our program on March 4 deals with the issue of change.  Why change, how to change, but mostly--strengthening the motivation to change.  As A Course in Miracles suggests, "Strengthening the motivation to change is the first step......"

"First step to what?"  You may ask. First step to the utterly life altering shift to a spiritual orientation. In others words, making the shift from fear to love.

You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford, listen to a humorous, insightful guy with a plan!

Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider!

Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider!

You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford, located near Bozo's downtown Bar and Grill...

You Bout Ready with Marty Ford, another evening with original American Idol!