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We are all incarnated as Divine Humn Beings and it's our birthright to live with Love and ease. Danae shares her journey of awakening and what the "Essentials" message is about who we are.

Author, Teacher, Workshop Facilitator, Shaman, Healer, Marriage and Family Therapist, Mental Healther Counselor, Traumatic Stress Expert, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Researcher

Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis, Danielle Lynn and Santi Azpilicueta.

Julian Rose returns for our third show and we leave no stone unturned!  A few of the topics put into perspective:  the Ebola scare, trans-humanism, chemtrails, nano-technology, the NWO Globalist agenda, subtle elements in nature, plants and animals, and how to be affirmative and take positive steps in one's own life.  Spiritual balance.  This is one of the most interesting and positive shows yet!

The Great Illusion!  Chaos or Blessing? 

Imagine that the world is simply a dream and that you are the powerful creator writing the dream!  Imagine how powerful you would be and then allow yourself to remember how powerful you are!  Tune as Sri, Kira and special guest Carolyn Gervais explore the complexity of the dream and how you can maximize your participation in it!

What happens when we fully awaken and then what is next?  Whether you are already living your life from the gift of remembrance or just now awakening from your dream this show is for you!

Counseling astrologer, Gnostic Gospels, Black Moon and Eris, the Oracle Report

Timothy J. Glenn returns to remind us that we are 12 Dimensional Beings in a 9 Dimensional Matrix.  We discuss the current shift, provide tools for remaining neutral, and Timothy pulls in a vast array of cosmic wisdom from the Prottereans, who he channels.  THere is additional clarity about the Matrix and how is operates and how not to get fooled by tricks.  This is a highly empowering show!  

Get Out of Pain Now Transformational! with Gregory Joseph

Together we'll take a journey designed to foster permanent hope leading to an indomitable spirit that is productive and powerful. ...