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Wish Upon A Star, March 18, 2015

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Wish Upon A Star
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Guest, Barbara Harrell Grubbs

Wish Upon A Star with Anndell V. Banks and special guest, Barbara Harrell Grubbs

Carl and Barbara Grubbs founded Contemporary Arts Inc. in 1997. For many years the two worked with performing arts organizations in the Baltimore-Washington area.

In 2002 Contemporary Arts Inc. was incorporated as a 501 © (3) nonprofit organization in the state of Maryland.

Barbara Harrell Grubbs worked in the Baltimore City Public Schools for 29 and a half years until her retirement in 1989. From 1990 – 1999 she worked for a variety of community organizations.

Since 1980 she has acted as the personal

manager for Carl Grubbs, her spouse.

In this capacity she coordinates concert appearances in the U.S. and abroad. Her skills as an administrator, grant writer, record producer and presenter of artistic events are vital to

the success of Contemporary Arts Inc.

Wish Upon A Star

Wish Upon A Star with Anndell Banks
Show Host
Anndell Banks

"Wish Upon A Star" is a dynamic program dedicated to spotlighting talent in the arts arena.  Conversations discussing the challenging elements of visual, musical, literary, painting, and the performing arts. We will interview professional guests in the fields of entertainment law, copyrighting, studio recording, songwriting, publishing, and other topics in these highly creative and challenging fields."

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