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Solutions for Anxiety in a Fear-Filled World
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Anxiety Solutions in a Fear-Filled World

  • What is the difference between anxiety and stress overwhelm?
  • What is an anxiety attack, and what is happening in the body?
  • How can you reduce, and even eliminate anxiety naturally, and without medications?

We’ll be discussing this, and much more to assist you with ways to better cope with the stressful, fear and anxiety-producing world we live in these days.  Tune into The New 

Reality show this Friday, December 3rd, 2021, at 9pm EST / 6pm Pacific.

This solution-oriented talk show is a labor of love, put together by Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey to extend their reach to help as many people as possible.  With a combined 100 years of experience assisting patients and clients one-on-one, they explore a wide range of vital topics that afflict the human condition, including bringing on author experts to interview and help listeners.  But more importantly, they provide many powerful and natural, mind-body-spirit and natural solutions that you can do to help and empower yourself

You can call into the show live to join the discussion and get laser coaching as well, right on the air.  The call-in numbers are on the show page