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6 Things You'll Regret After Graduation

6 Things You'll Regret After Graduation

Student years are the best years of the youth, but at the same time, this is one of the most complex life periods, as it may entail many regrets afterward. Take a look at the list of the most common ones, so that may be a wake-up call for you to change.

Student years are the best years of the youth, but at the same time, this is one of the most complex life periods, as it may entail many regrets afterward. Take a look at the list of the most common ones, so that may be a wake-up call for you to change.

1. Being introvert.

Probably, you will never get as many opportunities for socialization for the rest of your life as you get in the college. People find their significant others, life-time friends, connections, and even career opportunities in college. All that is needed is to socialize and be ready to step-up from the comfort zone. Indeed, there are many opportunities. You can just walk and meet people over the campus, visit sporting events or parties, engage in public activity, and establish some valuable contacts there. Alas, some students are better on their own, but I'll bet they will regret all lost opportunities when they leave college.

2. Putting too many efforts.

It is not a secret that college study today is a challenging task. Students continuously try to combine social life and learning, and sometimes, it brings them to the limit. If you feel overwhelmed or out of control, it is not shameful to use some advice, help or pay for essay services like EssayBulls. Otherwise, the lack of sleep, stress, and deteriorating health can become a bad company that you will regret having after graduation. Student life is tough, but it is necessary to treat yourself decently.

3. Being uncertain about the future.

It is a common thing to have a plan for the entire education and even post-graduation employment, but unfortunately, not all students have it. Some people enter the college without a clear understanding of what they want to reach or accomplish, or what they want from their education. Indeed, some people realize their lifework only after graduating from college. However, even If you feel that way, it is not too late to change. Stop moving by the flow and take control of your life. Revise priorities, set new objectives, and decide what goals are accessible for you in a short and long term so you'll not regret any uncertainty or the lack of the plan.

4. Avoiding financial literacy.

College is a transition period between adolescence and adult life, so you better prepare well for it. Yet, many students find troubles in managing their finances. That is one of the reasons why some students leave college with enormous debts that they'll need to pay off. Hence, do not hesitate to find some courses or literature on the topic of financial literacy, how to manage your budget, and how to deal with savings or investment. Yes, it may be boring, but this knowledge is essential to have zero regrets after graduation.

5. Hesitating to travel abroad.

Colleges nowadays provide numerous options for studying abroad, at least for a semester, but many students abandon this idea because of their comfort zone. However, you need to try something new, as it broadens your horizon and gives essential skills of adaptation in new environments that will be needed in the future. Many students think that they will easily travel after their graduation, but that idea may be misleading, and the opportunity would be lost.

6. Taking courses without interest.

One of the biggest regrets can arise if you feel that your four years of education are pointless. That often happens if the student overloads himself or herself with the ton of courses that he or she has no interest in, and that feeling spreads throughout the entire study. Hence, you should have some personal courses, even if they go contrary to your major. Still, they will give you the motivation to invest efforts in learning, and boost enthusiasm for the courses you had to attend.


Writer’s bio: Thornie Longmuir is a SEO specialist and content creator. Since 2007, he has been working in the field of information technology and internet communications. Now he practices search engine optimization (SEO) for sites, as well as for leading advertising companies such as Google AdWords and Facebook. He tries to present the articles in a simple and understandable language. He reveals relevant topics and fundamental principles for creating, advertising, and promoting websites on the Internet. The main part of the published material is designed for beginners who want to learn how to develop and promote web projects on their own.


Thornie Longmuir.

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JessicaL (not verified)

3 October 2019

I agree with you that being an introvert is really an issue. I would advise someone in school to avoid being an introvert. It almost affected me until I started running listening while on earphones and listening to podcasts. I particularly listened to seminars that opened me to think beyond my schooling. It was good I changed for the better, and after graduation, things worked great.