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Licensed psychotherapist, author and co-founder of reology

How can you meet business, social, and environmental needs and gain competitive advantage in this current world environment? How can we create a game plan for success?  What steps do we take? Can we make a difference with all of the confusion and conflicts currently in place?  We'll find out. Tune in and hear what Eric has to say.

Retired executive and former professor
Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology at Sonoma State University, Technical Writer, Author of "Supernormal" and "The Conscious Universe", International Lecturer
Holistic Psychologist, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Therapist, Author of "Evolve", Developed a unique integrative Holistic Platform called Psychapressure
Naturopathic Physician, Founder of the Grace Gawler Cancer Foundation-Germany and Australials

Bonnie is an incredible woman whose life has followed a most unique pattern. She founded the world's only academic college that awards associate and master's degrees in dog studies. She works with at-risk youth and is the winner of Oprah Winfrey's Use Your Life Award.