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American artist who creates paintings, drawings and sculptures that are original, inspiring and breathtaking
Multiple Award Winning Production Designer and Artist
Editor, Writer, Blogger, Empowering Truth-Seekers, Visionary

Live From Pullman National Monument with Dr Lyn Hughes and guest(s) 

A Rerun from February 26, 2017 CHOOSE CHICAGO, with Live introduction

Live From Pullman National Monument with Dr Lyn Hughes and guest Karran Royal

Don’t miss today’s show! that promises to be an interesting and informative one!

“In 1838, the Jesuit priests who ran the country’s top Catholic university needed money to keep it alive. Now comes the task of making amends.”  

The River Road African American Museum and the GU272 Descendants Association are co-hosting a Genealogy Gathering at the Ascension Parish Courthouse at 300 Houmas St., In Donaldsonville, LA 70346 

Co owner and President of LA Motorsports, professional Stunt Driver, Jewelry Designer

I'm Just Sayin 50 with Juanita Dillardkiss

Live From Pullman National Monument with Dr Lyn Hughes and guests David Whitaker, Choose Chicago and Detroit Wright Museum