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Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Detective David Love interviews special guests Donald Newsom, president of BBS Network Inc and Margo Mateas

Det David Love talks with Dr Lana Love

Det David and Dr Lana Love are excited and honored to have Author Bilawara Lee as a special guest on Universal Soul Love.  Bilawara is an Elder of the Aboriginal an Elder of the Larrakia Nation of Darwin Northern Territory in Australia.

Bilawara Lee is an Elder of the Larrakia Nation of Darwin Northern Territory, Australia, Her name Bilawara means the red tailed black cockatoo: an ancestral spirit being that brings about change.

Next on Universal Soul Love: Dr Lana and Det David Love Explore Life Beyond Life

We are fortunate to have psychic mediums Aida and Elsie Jordan as our special guests for the show.

Aida and Elsie were raised Catholic, however the Spirits world was never unknown for them since their grandparents on the father side of the family were founders of a Spiritualist church in Puerto Rico, where they were born.

Next on Universal Soul Love: Special Interview with Doug Newsom

You are invited to tune-in for an interesting discussion with Doug Newsom CEO of the BBS Radio

Dr Lana and David Love talk to Doug about the meaning of “survivalism” and survival in modern times.

Tuesday at 6:00 PM PST