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Prophet Hector Williams
Your Pitch

April 4, 2024 

Dear BBS Radio, 

Prophet Hector was called by God at a very young age, and he was ordained as a prophet three  times. He has walked in the office of the prophet for the past 30 years. He started his own  ministry House of Sacrifice in 2006, and the world became his congregation. He was what you  considered a “Church on Wheels.” He went into the homes and businesses of people from all  various backgrounds to counsel them as well as to preach the gospel of his Lord and Savior.  Then he realized that people no longer wanted to hear about God because of what was happening  in their personal lives or in the world today. By God giving Prophet Hector the skills and the  knowledge to Life Coach, He allowed him to reach those individuals who considered themselves  “church hurt” as well as those who questioned God through the secular way by creating PH  Coaching Life, in 2020. 

Since then, Prophet Hector has been able to motivate, help and encourage more people all while still honoring who he represents in Christ Jesus through Life Coaching. The Lord showed him a creative way and style to implement Him while staying true to his beliefs without forcing church  

or God on anyone, by using prophet to lead as an example. And this method has worked. By doing this, Prophet Hector has drawn more people to Christ. His ministry now provides online  services every Sunday and most of the people whom he’s counseled through Life Coaching that gave up on God or church are now a part of his ministry family. 

Prophet Hector would benefit from being a speaker at your events because he is a True Servant  and Representation of God. His Love for God and his Faith in Him is beyond the size of a  mustard seed. He wrote a book biography about his life called “He Kept Me” that demonstrates  him being a living and walking testimony for Christ. He will be able to provide his testimonies  and share the Miracles, Signs and Wonders that took place in his life, to show people that when  you put your trust and faith in God, He will bring you through. 

I want to thank you for your time, and I hope you consider Prophet Hector in the near or present  future as a guest speaker. He is available at any time 


Nancy Zeppa 

Administrative Assistant 

PH Coaching Life (PHCL) 

(470) 558-5019


About Prophet Hector A. Williams  

All gifts come from our Holy Father. For Hector Alden Williams, the gift of prophecy is second  nature. He was born in Miami, Florida, to the proud parents of Henry and Barbara Williams. He shortly thereafter was brought to a small town called Elko, Georgia. It was in this small-town God  called him to be a prophet. Being born in the city and built in the country provided Prophet Hector  the proper balance needed for God to do a creative work in him.  


At a very young age, God was with Prophet Hector. When he was seven years old, he began to see  visions and he knew things before they happened. As Prophet Hector matured and grew in his  faith, God confirmed this stirring within was the Holy Ghost. Prophet Hector told his family  members of this stirring; some understood, and some did not. 


The untimely death of his father and mother required him to depend solely on God for everything  in his life.  


Overcoming adversity and standing through the storm has only sharpened his prophetic gifting and  solidified his relationship with God. Ultimately, Prophet Hector had to conquer the fear of his  prophetic gift and began seeking God’s counsel for answers. Once Prophet Hector realized that he  was not delusional but was blessed with the gift of prophecy, he jumped into the seat, fastened his  seat belt, and took off on a journey that would change his life forever.  

Ordained a prophet of God at twenty-seven, Prophet Hector has spoken into the lives of many  people all around the world and in all aspects of life. This prophet has a thermostatic effect,  possessing the ability to change any atmosphere and make it conducive for God’s movement.  

In 2020, he wrote a biography about his life called “He Kept Me” that proves he was born with a  veil and that he is a true walking testimony of what having FAITH looks like.  

He has a ministry called House of Sacrifice and he is also a certified Life Coach. House of  Sacrifice is a growing ministry. To many having a building with a congregation would signify  being a legitimate church. But Prophet Hector has always considered the world as his  congregation. For years, he has operated House of Sacrifice, as a "Ministry on Wheels." By  going to members of the ministry homes as well as speaking in different locations about the word  of God. But now that the ministry is growing, House of Sacrifice is preparing to build to have a  place the congregation and the people searching for a ministry home can come to fellowship. In  the meantime, people can join House of Sacrifice every Sunday at 11 a.m. for online services.  

This eagle-eyed prophet is not limited to the four walls of a church building. Ready to release what  God has revealed to him, he flies and spreads his wings around the circumference of the Earth.  First Corinthians 2:9 says this, “For eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered  into the hearts of man what God has prepared for those that love him.” God has great things  prepared for His prophet, Hector Alden Williams, who loves the Lord with all his heart, mind, and  soul. 

United States
This is the book biography called “He Kept Me" by Hector A. Williams. It provides details about his life and all the trials he had to succumb, such as homelessness, losing both of his parents on the same date twelve years apart, as well as going through a divorce. But through it all, he kept his faith and never lost hope.