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Jeff Meshel
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Business Exec Jeffrey Meshel brings awareness to the double-edged sword of trust!

“This book can empower the reader to ensure that he or she doesn’t fall prey to untrustworthy people, companies, or institutions,” says Meshel. “The breadth of trust is fundamental to everything in life – and we need to find ways to insulate against being a victim of trust-abusing authorities. We also must instill trust in others of us in order for them to do business with us, befriend us, and collaborate with us.”



There are two reasons we don’t trust people: We don’t know them. We know them.


Just ask Jeffrey Meshel.


At the age of four, he was kidnapped. The next year, his parents divorced and he was raised by his alcoholic mom. As an adult, his marriage fell apart and his kids were turned against him by his ex-wife. Later, he was badly burned by a business partner that he labels a psychopath. He certainly has reasons not to trust others, especially when those closest to him violated his trust. But there is hope.


Meshel took to heart the role trust plays in every aspect of our lives and penned a new book, Trust Is A Double-Edged Sword: Trust Me.



“This book can empower the reader to ensure that he or she doesn’t fall prey to untrustworthy people, companies, or institutions,” says Meshel. “The breadth of trust is fundamental to everything in life – and we need to find ways to insulate against being a victim of trust-abusing authorities. We also must instill trust in others of us in order for them to do business with us, befriend us, and collaborate with us.”


Meshel’s book examines the role of trust, from whom consumers buy from, to which news media to follow, to which politician to support, and to which people closest to us are worthy of trust.


“The world is not running on trust these days,” asserts Meshel. “It is divided and falling apart as a result. In fact, distrust, and apathy are at all-time highs. We may not think about trust daily – but we should. The core of what we do always involves trust -- always”


Please let me know if you would like to have Jeff on your program.




Meshel offers to share the following in an interview:

·       How to know if someone is lying to you.

·       How to recover from having your trust violated.

·       The 10 commandments of trust.

·       How we can hold ourselves accountable to be trustworthy to others.

·       Trust-lessons learned in financial services, real estate, and the luxury car industry.

·       Why, even after getting burned, many of us repeat our mistakes.

·       Why we may not trust ourselves.

·       The role of ego in trust.

·       How one’s looks and attractiveness affects our trust antenna.


“Trust impacts our dating, consumer, professional, investing, political, parenting, and spiritual lives,” says Meshel. “We should not always buy what we’re sold. We have to be aware – even amongst those closest to us – that we may not be getting the whole truth.”



“The breadth of trust is, in fact, the pillar of all the elements of ourselves,” says Meshel. “We need to be much more aware and accountable to ourselves.


“Self-awareness is a responsibility to ourselves and a discipline that requires work. If you are self-aware, you can grow, improve, learn, and get better. If you are not self-aware, you will probably plateau and end up stuck.”



Jeffrey Meshel





Jeffrey Meshel has owned and run numerous business ventures, including three real estate companies that are each over 35 years old. He is also a business book author who has been featured on The Today Show.

He is co-founder / managing partner of Candor Capital Partners. He is also is a partner with, and co-founder of, LUX Miami. 


Candor Capital is a real estate acquisition platform that also originates short-term bridge loans secured against commercial/residential properties. Its current portfolio consists of commercial properties rented by medical companies, industrial properties and residential multifamily. 


LUX Miami is a high -end luxury car dealership and rental business based out of Miami, Florida.
Formerly, Meshel was the founder and CEO of Paradigm Capital and Paradigm properties, chairman and founder of DIVORCEFORCE, a web-based community that empowered people affected by divorce. 


Meshel served on the Board of Directors of Signature Bank for 15 years. Mr. Meshel is on the board of the CPR Foundation (Community Police Relations). He is also the founder and chairman of the Strategic Forum, a high-level networking organization. 


He is the author of One Phone Call Away....Secrets of a Master Networker, The Opportunity Magnet, and Trust Is A Double-Edged Sword…Trust Me


Meshel splits his time between South Beach and New York City.