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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

The Newsroom, Blogs, Articles, Featured Guests, Headlined Shows and Indie Music

NEW Music Artists & Bands Heard Between Talk Shows! We'll Be Your Favorite!

Shamans Keep Guest, Claudia Pinto August 31, 2012 Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, Wilderness Survival Instructor, Conservationalist, Educator, Earth Steward

Vincent Pinto, Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, and Wilderness Survival Instructor Vincent Pinto has been teaching people of all ages, interests, and backgrounds about the Natural World since 1987.  As a passionate Conservationist, Vincent strives to educate and inspire within a framework of Environmental Stewardship and Earth Sustainability.  He has led countless individuals and groups throughout the country on Nature Adventures & Educational Programs on a myriad of fascinating topics: Ethnobotany , Natural History, Conservation, Bird-watching, Tracking, Stone-age Skills, Wilderness Survival Skills, Astronomy, Wildlife Habitat Restoration, Earth Stewardship, Sustainable Living Practices, and much more!

Shamans Keep Guest, Simone Soucy August 24, 2012 Artist, Organic Farmer, Teacher, Wilderness Survival Facilitator

Simone Soucy, Colorado Artist, Organic Farmer, and Teacher of some of Tom Brown's Wilderness Survival Classes.

Reaching For The Gold Guest, Donna Henes October 07, 2013 Urban Shaman

Donna Henes is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, popular speaker, and award-winning writer specializing in multi-cultural ritual celebrations of the cycles of the seasons and the seasons of our lives. Her joyful celebration of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than one hundred cities for thirty-three years.

Queen Mama Donna is the author of four books, The Queen of My Self (Monarch 2005), The Moon Watcher's Companion (Marlowe & Co. 2004), Celestially Auspicious Occasions: Seasons, Cycles & Celebrations (Perigee: Penguin/Putnam 1996) and Dressing Our Wounds In Warm Clothes (Astro Artz 1982) a CD,Reverence To Her: Part One: Mythology, the Matriarchy, & Me (Io Productions 1998) as well as an acclaimed quarterly journal, Always In Season: Living in Sync with the Cycles.

Reaching For The Gold Guest, Donna Henes October 07, 2013 Educator, Nutritionist

Jennifer Cornbleet is a firm believer that raw food - the complete opposite of the fast food that fills so many American's diets these days - can benefit people. But she is more inclined towards a gentle approach than a doctrinaire one. Being preachy is not her thing; talking openly to people is. So, she delivers her message through easily-digeted - sorry for the pun - books like How To Go Raw for a Day. And she has found a very receptive audience.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Victoria Reynolds August 09, 2012 Mentor, Speaker, Transformational Author, Motivator, Filmmaker
When I’m not coaching my clients, speaking on stages or volunteering at my children’s school, I am sitting at my computer writing or scribbling notes into any note  taking device I can get my hands on.

Someone asked me the age old question not long ago, “If you were stranded on a desert island with only one thing, what would that thing be?" My answer was "a notebook with pen attached." My pen is my magic wand and I practically panic when I don’t have something to record my thoughts with.

Several years ago the writing faucet turned on and I haven’t been able to turn it off. My thoughts are a continual stream of insights that inspire even me. And because I am so inspired by the message that moves through me I wouldn’t want to turn off this wondrous gift.

My first book “Transcending Fear: The Journey to Freedom and Fulfillment” is now available everywhere books are sold.  My series of illustrated children’s books are in the works, and before you know it, a few other non-fiction books in the publication process will be making their way into the world.

Along with my books I write my "Practical Magic" Blog. A blog that I recently started up to go along with my magical new brand and I write The Polygamist Daughter's Blog where I share stories with my readers about growing up on “The Ranch”.  I also maintain a monthly newsletter where I share my insights, stories and other yummy things that come across my path.


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The Sports Doctor, December 15, 2021 Guests, Greg Justice and Elaine LaLanne
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Miss Tina Show, December 15, 2021 Searching for a Life Partner or Soul Mate? Secrets Revealed to Finding Real Love
Inner Hippie Club with Silke Harvey
Inner Hippie Club, December 13, 2021 STRONG AND FREE Special
The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan
The Metaphysical Hour, December 10, 2021 with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan