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My guest is Eluv Zotos who will be sharing information on sound healing, meditation and music. She is a singer and producer of music meditation and guided visualization CDs. She has been a radio host in Tampa's Ultrasounds Radio Show.

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode was all about Arcturian energy. It included a meditation connecting with Arcturian energy and included much information about crop circles by Janosh and channelings of Arch Angel Michael.

with Charles Green This episode was the ET Yoga version of Inner Work which includes a lot of self empowering information for the spiritual seeker.

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Epidose was about crossing the Plasma Field of the Galactic Plain, Arcturian Gate Energy and the Power of Gratitude.

ET Yoga with Charles Green This episode made the connection between Belief and practical solutions to many of the world's maladies such as schizophrenia, alzheimer's, diabetes, and included information about the link between autism and vaccines. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode centered around the idea of total immunity from disease. It also included an activation of your template for Perfect Health and Well Being. It also contained the Hari Om mantra meditation and XYZ Extraterrestrial meditation. 

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan Kolb interviewing special guest Dr Cassius Camden Clay

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode was all about First Contact and the ET Yoga spin on the latest news including amazing facts and socking ET news.