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For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

The Environment is One of Maitreya's Priorities

David Mynott II interviews permaculturist and restoration biologist Mary Beth Steisslinger on how we can restore our cities and the natural environment, and how this relates to humanity's spiritual evolution.

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

Unlimited Bride with Nicole Brandon and guest Katie Cleary

Nicole’s Guest: Katie Cleary and Peace4Animals

Luminescence with Sharón Lynn Wyeth and guest Julie Saillant,

What is meant by Divine Flow? How did you create Divine Flow? How can understanding Divine Flow assist us to grow in consciousness? How important is meditation in getting in alignment with Divine Flow? How does one amp up Divine Flow? How is Divine Flow connected to animals and our plants?

Equine Communicator, Certified Life Optimization Coach, Intuitive Empath, Mind-Body-Soul Alignment Specialist

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe