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Theoretical Physicist, Visionary, Quantum Theory Explorer, Writer, Speaker
Pastor, Demonologist, Writer, Blogger
Spiritual Teacher, Healing Conduit, Author, Consciousness Explorer, Humanitarian, Music Producer, Speaker
ET Contactee, Spiritual Healer, Psychotherapist, Remote Therapist, Seer
Counsellor, Hynotherapist, Ufologist, Author, Metaphysician, Lecturer
Author, Channel, Pleiadian Emissary of Light
Crop Circles Researcher, Commentator, Speaker, Writer, Organiser, Crop Circle Interpreter
Transcendental Meditator, Mystical Experience Doctor, Professor, Teacher, Writer, Workshop Facilitator, Researcher, Doctor in Comparative Religions, Humanitarian, Editor, Lecturer, Trainer, Author
Author, Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contactee, Orion Channel, Hypnotic Regression Channel