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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 13 May 2021

Word of Mouth with Maurice Way

Word of Mouth with Maurice Way, John Knox and Tenika Thompson
Talk Show:
Show Host:
Maurice Way, John Knox and Tenika Thompson

This is the dirtiest, nastiest, rude, most funny, most topical, awesome piece of garbage pie of a show ever. The hosts are Philadelphia born and raised a-holes. The interviews will be fun and funny. The topics will be everything from international politics to personal throwing up and poop stories. From pop and hip-hop to race relations and religion. And all the bull-shite in between. We are the inner most thoughts of millions and the laughter of immature children. We are the radio rebellion, the internet radio revolution............Ok maybe not all that but we are the Word of Mouth show.

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Maurice Way

Maurice Way-I ammmmmmm Reesey aka Reese aka Maurice aka the dragon rider and bacon eater (pork pleaseeeeeee).

Only I can touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable, shake the unshakable. Only I can reach the unreachable, teach the untreachable, do the impossible. Reesey baby. I rep philly like I bore it. Love my city.

I'm here to talk my shit. Laugh uncontrollably. And just have a great time. I'll be the radio revolutionary the renaissance man of radio the link between what's happening and who's it happening it.

I'll be great, no I am great. I'll make you great. As pallets of greatness fall from my essence ...well ok idk about that. May have goin overboard.

W/e I'm Reese this is word of Mouth.