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Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier

The Glory of God's Predestination

World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 530

God is going to destroy every nation that comes against Israel. Jewish people shouldn't even be on this earth. Because they came out of a dead man's loins Abraham, and Sarah had a dead womb. They were well beyond the age of being able to conceive. If we don't keep the commandments of the Lord we go to the same hell as the gentiles.

World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 499

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. It's right to keep the commandments of the LORD, because it's love. But if you don't keep the commandments, you're lost. Don't think you're saved, your lost if you are breaking any of these commandments. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

Awakening Matters with Cynthia Slon

All your physical presence knows is this very moment

The Prophecy Club with Apostle Stan Johnson

What Happens at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb

The King is Coming with Jeff Kinley

Messianic Prophecies - Ep 6

The John Ankerberg Show

Alien Spacecraft from Other Galaxies, UFOs, Alien Abductions - Ep2

Rigged Against You with Terry Sacka AAMS

US Debt Selling Off at Record Rates

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

Joshua 1:9 Courage

The Joyful Manifestation Show with Iyer 

Guest, Darryl E. Berry Jr.