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In the next hour, Linzi's guest will be Bobby Anderson. Bobby has worked for years in the corporate world and in a variety of roles. Bobby worked in the private sector of government and he has also worked as a high-level business consultant. Bobby has owned his own company supporting the rights of California workers and dedicating himself to Health, Human Services, and Community Projects. Bobby will talk about some of the most difficult challenges he has faced; these are vulnerabilities that many of you are currently facing, or have dealt with in your life.

Part One of a two part series

In the next hour, we will host Alan C. Fox. This is a NY Best-selling author who has University degrees in Accounting, Law, Education and Professional writing. He is self-starter real estate entrepreneur with over 70 properties in 11 states. He sits on many non-profit boards with his focus on wellness, children, health and education. Alan is the founder, editor and publisher or Rattle Magazine, one of the most respected literary magazines in the U.S. He has been through 3 marriages, raised 6 children, 2 step-children and a foster child.