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Khailana is a genre bending, ethereal pop fairy from Ōtaki, New Zealand who takes musical inspiration from nature and fantasy. 

She turns her personal experiences into dark, magical, yet emotional songs with many layers and mirrors of meaning.
The Vast Oddity

Otherworldly elements being expressed through 2 guitars, a stomp and loop pedal, 2 vocals and a bunch of spacey, experimental sounds and filters, coming together as a trippy audible experience. The Vast Oddity combine these ethereal compositions with messages that'll bend and uplift your reality. Since forming in 2017, The Vast Oddity has toured across their country, South Africa. They've released 9 singles and a 7 track album on all online music platforms. The band looks forward to bringing their trippy live shows to the rest of the world.
The Vast Oddity

Otherworldly elements being expressed through 2 guitars, a stomp and loop pedal, 2 vocals and a bunch of spacey, experimental sounds and filters, coming together as a trippy audible experience. The Vast Oddity combine these ethereal compositions and executions with messages that'll bend and uplift your reality.
SURVIBERS is a collective of like-minded creatives who live, love and work within music, yet they have found it necessary to create a space where raw and fertile ideas are allowed to flourish. 
The trio are ex Berklee students Francis and Katrina King-Smith and Aniff Akinola.
Aniff has been in the Manchester music scene since the late 80s (Voodoo Ray, Kirsty MacColl). Francis  went to the Royal Northern College of Music and Chethams.
Jeremiah James

Jeremiah James is a 26-year old, solo-acoustic-act currently based in Orange County, CA. James grew up in Colorado Springs where he picked up his first guitar at the age of 14. He dabbled with learning popular songs, but never saw the path to make it his own craft until he moved out to California in 2018. This was where he found a local mentor who revealed the path he’d need to take to become an artist. Now he’s found his feet as a singer/songwriter who’s discovered purpose and love in the music he makes as well as the joy it creates.


This is Aaron from the band Starveya. Our new single "Moontide" is set to release at the end of this month and I hope that someone at BBS might be interested in featuring it. I have included the official press release below. Thank you for your time.

Aaron Martinez-Starveya

STARVEYA is set to release “Moontide” on May 29th, 2020, their first new single since 2018’s “Olde Crow”. Available here:
She Killed In Ecstasy
She Killed In Ecstasy

She Killed In Ecstasy is rumored to be a clandestine experimental electronic project, solely comprised of screenwriter and composer/producer Clay Smith. Drawing inspiration from all that is old school punk, 70’s funk, 80’s synth pop, vintage psychedelia, obscure cult films and B-movies; he’s hopelessly condemned to a tireless existence of corrupting unsuspecting minds with a relentless onslaught of sweet, soothing, schizophrenic mood music.

Please excuse the carnage.