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Retired LEO and Outreach Liason FHE Health and Podcast Host

Resonation Podcast with The Eunice

Apple Ridge Farms, in Saylorsburg, PA, owned by Brian Bruno and run by a group of hard-working people who are dedicated to producing the best food possible in the most sustainable way possible.

Guest, Gabriel Shaw, Kinesiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Tai Chi and Qigong Instructor

Kinesiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Tai Chi and Qigong Instructor
Author, public speaker, and endurance athlete

Can we take our mind to the gym to build mental fitness? Performance expert Erik Leslie from Modern Mindfulness has trained professionals in the world’s toughest careers, like first responders, Special Forces and Apache Pilots with simple ways to become present in high-stress situations.

Mindfulness and performance consultant for the military and first responders and athletes

In this episode, Bonnie and David interview Sara Beckert, National Fire Academy Instructor and founder of First Response Health and Wellness.

Firefighters and other responders are constantly at risk for long term injury, and they suffer a higher rate of workplace injury than most US workers. First Response Health and Wellness offers a range of health and wellness programs suited for all first responders with a specific focus on firefighters.