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Nancy Chadwick
Your Pitch

Chicago-based writer Nancy Chadwick’s inspiration comes from nature and meandering through the woods of any forest. Her essays have appeared in anthologies, blogs and literary magazines; her memoir, Under the Birch Tree, and her debut novel, The Wisdom Of The Willow (published in May of 2024) are both published by She Writes Press. 


Noted as one of 2024's Most Anticipated Books by the Chicago Review of BooksThe Wisdom of the Willow is a metaphorically rich and reflective tale of sisterhood and strength—a story of hope and healing, of the choices that shape our lives, and the challenges we all face as we seek to find our places in the world. It’s told from the POV of four sisters in midlife, each dealing with their own life changes and the illness of their mother. The story takes place from Memorial Day to Labor Day in the summer of 1998, making it a perfect Summer Read


Nancy can talk about: Why place and home are such important concepts in storytelling; What the personal essay and our natural world have in common; Embedding lessons from the natural world into a fictional story; The symbolism of the willow tree and the inspiration behind it; How trees can keep us, as well as our environment, healthy; Changes to our climate and maintaining our mental health and wellbeing; and the differences and similarities between the craft of writing memoir and writing fiction. 


Sample questions include

  1. You started out as a memoir writer, writing personal essays, why the switch to fiction?
  2. Your first book was about a birch tree, and this book incorporates a willow tree. Usually when we talk about trees, it’s about the mighty oak. Why a willow tree?
  3. The story revolves around the lives of four sisters, yet only three of them face life changes. Why include a fourth sister?
  4. How did you get involved in writing about the natural world?
  5. Why did you choose to have Margaret, the matriarch, inflicted with a terminal illness?
  6. What is your favorite genre to write, nonfiction or fiction? Why?

Timely tie-ins for Nancy’s expertise include her pub date of May 7, Mother’s Day 5/12, National Love A Tree Day 5/16, Summer Reads, National Tree Day (July 28), and Sisters’ Day (August 4.)


Nancy Chadwick grew up in a northern suburb of Chicago where Deerfield was marked by four corners, and making connections to it and to home would later become subjects in her writing. Nancy got her first job at Leo Burnett advertising agency in Chicago and after working a decade in the advertising agency business, she moved to international corporate banking. Nancy’s writing inspiration comes from her years living in Chicago, and in San Francisco, and meandering through the woods of any forest. Her essays have appeared in The Magic of Memoir: Inspiration for the Writing Journey, Adelaide Literary Magazine, and blogs by the Chicago Writers Association Write City, About Write, and Brevity. Her memoir, Under the Birch Tree, and her debut novel, The Wisdom Of The Willow, are published by She Writes Press.

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The Wisdom of the Willow book cover