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Marie Antoinette Kelley
Your Pitch
Hi Julia,
While dozens of adult books exist on the topic, Danny's Day in Heaven from author and award-winning artist Marie Antoinette Kelley is the first-ever illustrated children's book to introduce the near-death experience to help kids better understand what happens when we die.
Inspired by Dannion Brinkley's runaway bestseller Saved by the Light and backed by research, Marie Antoinette dispels the fears children may have about the seeming finality of death by providing comfort and reassurance that life goes on through her transcendent illustrations and storytelling in this new book.
As a guest on The Metaphysical Hour, Marie Antoinette Kelley can speak to the:
  • value in understanding that death is not the end of life,
  • messages and teachings of those who have experienced an NDE, and
  • how to support children and their questions surrounding topics on grief, loss, and death.
If interested, I'm happy to send additional information or a copy of Danny's Day in Heaven for your consideration in an interview.
I look forward to connecting!
All the best,
Brennah Hermo
Director of PR
Beyond Words Publishing

Marie Antoinette Kelley is an award-winning artist who has done hundreds of commissioned portraits, as well as the art for the Angel Quest Oracle. She has appeared on dozens of TV, radio, and podcast shows, and has been published in such magazines as Edge and Authority. In 2019, her bison portrait in the form of woven blankets began selling throughout Yellowstone National Park’s general stores. To find out more about Marie Antoinette Kelley and her artwork, visit her website at

United States
Book cover