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Guest Name
Bernadette Wulf
Bernadette Wulf
Guest Occupation
visionary artist, writer, Reiki Master, director of Faehallows School of Magic
Guest Biography

Bernadette Wulf is a visionary artist, writer, Reiki Master and director of Faehallows School of Magic. 

She invites you to step into the New Earth reality now — where effortless prosperity and thriving in harmony with all life is the new normal. 

Bernadette is passionate about living a magical life, protecting the environment, whole plant foods nutrition, organic gardening and helping people activate the templates of the New Earth through connecting with the faery realm. 

She has decades of experience teaching Celtic faery magic and Arthurian lore in her written courses and online guided shamanic journey workshops. 

Bernadette is also a plant-based health coach and intuitive energy healer.


Bernadette’s Free Gifts Page:

Link to her magic school:

More about faeries:

More about whole plant foods nutrition: