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Responder Resilience, January 10, 2024

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S4 E2 Insights on Leadership, Wellness, and Sleep with guest, Chief Dena Ali, Battalion Chief at Raleigh Fire Department
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Chief Ali shares valuable insights on how to cultivate resilience as leaders.

Chief Ali shares valuable insights on how to cultivate resilience as leaders, and approach conversations with those who are struggling.

Headlined Show, Responder Resilience January 10, 2024

Chief Dena Ali on Responder Resilience
Broadcast Date

Guest co-host Captain Rom Duckworth joins us on the latest episode of Responder Resilience as we sit down with Battalion Chief Dena Ali from the Raleigh (NC) Fire Department. Chief Ali shares valuable insights on how to cultivate resilience as leaders, and approach conversations with those who are struggling. We also explore what it takes to be a great company officer who connects with and advocates for their team. Plus, Chief Ali sheds light on the crucial relationship between sleep and our overall health. Don't miss it! 

Guest, Dena Ali

Guest Name
Dena Ali
Chief Dena Ali on Responder Resilience
Guest Occupation
Battalion Chief at Raleigh Fire Department
Guest Biography

Dena Ali is a battalion chief in the Raleigh (NC) Fire Department with 15 years of service. She has a master’s in public administration from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Responder Resilience

Responder Resilience with David Dachinger, Dr Stacy Raymond and Bonnie C Rumilly
David Dachinger, Dr Stacy Raymond and Bonnie C Rumilly
Step into the world of real-life heroes with RESPONDER RESILIENCE, an insightful podcast that sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of firefighters, EMTs, dispatchers, and law enforcement professionals. Hear firsthand accounts from our community's finest as they discuss critical issues on the job and share their experiences with hosts Lt. David Dachinger (ret.), Bonnie Rumilly LCSW/EMT and Dr. Stacy Raymond. Explore topics of mental and physical wellness with emergency services thought leaders, and get ready to be inspired and gain a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices and resilience of our responders.
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