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Responder Resilience, February 7, 2024

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S4 E6 Saving Lives Through Connection and Comedy with guest, Jason Patton, Firefighter, Paramedic, Comedian, VP of Fire Department Coffee
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Get ready to meet firefighter/paramedic Jason Patton, the creative genius behind Fire Department Chronicles.

Get ready to meet firefighter/paramedic Jason Patton, the creative genius behind Fire Department Chronicles.

Headlined Show, Responder Resilience February 7, 2024

Jason Patton on Responder Resilience
Broadcast Date

Get ready to meet firefighter/paramedic Jason Patton, the creative genius behind Fire Department Chronicles. We take a peek into his world and the work he does both on and off the job. Jason shares his unique perspective on the struggles and triumphs of being a first responder, as we tackle important subjects like mental health, resiliency, suicide, and cancer detection.

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Guest, Jason Patton

Guest Name
Jason Patton
Jason Patton on Responder Resilience
Guest Occupation
Firefighter, Paramedic, Comedian, VP of Fire Department Coffee
Guest Biography

Jason Patton is a 15 year Firefighter/Paramedic at a South Florida based fire department. Jason is also the creator and star of the popular social media series Fire Department Chronicles which has amassed a combined following of 8 million followers and 55 million total monthly views. 
Jason is also the Vice President, Co-owner of Fire Department Coffee. Additionally, Jason has traveled the United States for Keynote addresses in front of thousands of First Responders on subjects ranging from Mental Health, Resiliency, and adopting humor to increase firefighter retention.

Responder Resilience

Responder Resilience with David Dachinger, Dr Stacy Raymond and Bonnie C Rumilly
David Dachinger, Dr Stacy Raymond and Bonnie C Rumilly
Step into the world of real-life heroes with RESPONDER RESILIENCE, an insightful podcast that sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of firefighters, EMTs, dispatchers, and law enforcement professionals. Hear firsthand accounts from our community's finest as they discuss critical issues on the job and share their experiences with hosts Lt. David Dachinger (ret.), Bonnie Rumilly LCSW/EMT and Dr. Stacy Raymond. Explore topics of mental and physical wellness with emergency services thought leaders, and get ready to be inspired and gain a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices and resilience of our responders.
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