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Guest Name
Transforming Consciousness
Guest Occupation
Tom Kenyon is a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern science, using sound, music, and channeling to uplift and heal.
Guest Biography

My guest Tom Kenyon is one of the most respected sound healers in the world today. Tom Kenyon is a teacher, musician, composer, and esoteric book author. He holds a master's degree in psychological counseling, having worked as a private psychological counselor for thirty years. He is also a channel for the Hathors, Masters of Love and Sound. Tom’s unbelievable four octave voice is his predominant instrument. Every sound you hear on a Tom Kenyon CD or tape is created by Tom as musician, singer, and shaman. Tom teaches in Intensive formats throughout the world.  Tom’s life’s studies and many lifetimes allow him to move with equal facility between Tibetan Buddhism, Egyptian High Alchemy, Taoism, and Hinduism, and the sciences relative to each. He is the author of “Brain States” and a few other books, including “The Manuscript of Mary Magdalene” and “The Hathors.” Tom has created over a hundred psycho-acoustic recordings and programs.