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Guest Name
Creating a reality of abundance, health, and wellbeing?
Guest Occupation
lecturer, remote energy transformational specialist, esteemed educator, channeler
Guest Biography

My guest Dr. Gretta Chamberlain, DN, is a lecturer, remote energy transformational specialist, and esteemed educator, renowned for her unique connection to the non-physical entities known as The Realm of Beings. Bestowed with the title of "mystic," Dr. Gretta works internationally with individuals across the globe. Collaborating with The Realm of Beings, Dr. Gretta has pioneered the concept of transformational science, a groundbreaking approach that empowers individuals to forge new life paradigms. Her transformative science is a beacon of hope for those seeking relief from debilitative diseases, addictive behaviors, and mental health challenges, fostering conscious life experiences. Dr. Gretta holds Bachelor and Master Degrees in education, with her Doctorate in Naprapathic Medicine specializing in connective tissue treatment and pain alleviation. Her expertise encompasses functional medicine, neuroscience, and the manipulation of bone structures and the spine. Further, her graduate training went into clinical psychology, embracing therapeutic modalities like psychoanalytic and client-centered therapies. The wisdom she imparts extends beyond traditional avenues, as evidenced by her podcast, "Shifting Impressions," where Dr. Gretta shares profound teachings from The Realm of Beings