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Guest Name
Sharón Lynn Wyeth
Know the Name; Know the Person: How a Name Can Predict Thoughts, Feelings and Actions
Guest Occupation
Author and Speaker on what our names really say about us. Author and Speaker on what our names really say about us.
Guest Biography

Sharón Lynn Wyeth is an internationally recognized name expert. She can determine one's strengths, challenges and the purpose of one's life by deciphering a person's name. Sharón created Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research with 3 years of testing her theories, in over 70 countries, including Russia, India and China.  She continued to develop how to interpret names the next seventeen years, which is why Neimology® Science is so accurate today.  Today Sharón assists HR business departments to narrow down candidates to be interviewed, she assists lawyers in how to present cases to judges and helps couples and families to communicate better. Sharón also creates names for new business, new products and when people wish to change their name. Her bestselling book, “Know the Name; Know the Person” received an excellence in writing award. Sharón is a frequent guest on radio and television.