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Guest Name
Josh Mackey
Josh Mackey
Guest Occupation
Doctor of Physical Therapy & Pickleball Injury Prevention
Guest Biography

About Dr. Josh Mackey, PT, DPT

With a background in sports like table tennis, badminton, and spikeball, it was easy for Josh to fall in love with the sport of pickleball.

After quickly starting to play the sport and competing against other players, he learned that many were struggling with pain and injury. Many of them had tried physical therapy, chiropractor, personal training, and other treatments in the past. Despite this, most were not getting the results they wanted.

This is where Dr. Josh began to search and look for a better solution. With his knowledge of the sport of pickleball and expertise as a doctor of physical therapy, he was able to bridge the gap between the two. He wanted to deliver a one-of-a-kind service designed specifically for pickleball players struggling with pain and injury.

Over the past year, Dr.Josh has been able to help hundreds of pickleball players all over the world. His goal is to help pickleball players bulletproof their bodies from injury so they can continue to compete against friends and maintain a healthy lifestyle.