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Guest Name
John C Cheeks
John C Cheeks
Guest Occupation
Independent political candidate for public office seven times: Ward 5 - Councilmember (2012)
Guest Biography

John C. Cheeks matched all the Powerball numbers and won $340 million, but when he went to cash in the ticket, he was denied. Cheeks was told that there was a clerical error and that the numbers posted were incorrect. John is now suing Powerball for $340 million.

In the District of Columbia, Cheeks has been an independent political candidate for public office seven times: Ward 5 - Councilmember (2012), Chairman of the DC Council (2014 and 2016), At-Large Councilmember (2018), Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives (2020 and 2022) and Chairman of the DC Council (2022).

Cheeks is the Founder and National Executive Director of the United States Citizens Recovery Initiative Alliance, Inc. John serves on the Special Committee for Public Policy on U.S. Slavery Compensation. He is the