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Here We Stand with Rev Kevin D Annett

One Scale on the Vatican Monster: Mass Graves and the Ninth Circle in Canada

We ran a rerun from a prior show: March 10, 2019

Here We Stand with Rev Kevin D Annett

One Scale on the Vatican Monster: Mass Graves and the Ninth Circle in Canada

Breaking News Communique and Public Advisory 
issued by The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Sunday, February 24, 2019 at 2200 hrs. GMT

Here We Stand with Rev Kevin D Annett and guest Katie Stoqua

Title: Mass Graves in Canada and the Ninth Circle

The Last Naked Emperor: What's Really behind Pope Francis' Irish Road Show 

by Kevin D. Annett

Here We Stand with with Rev Kevin D Annett and guest Anne Marie van Blinjenburgh

Topic: Ending the Oldest Tyranny - Bringing Down Satan and his Ninth Circle: The Spiritual Reclamation

Replay of April 30,2017 Radio Free Kanata production

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

To Alexandra:

I am contacting you today with my final message to my Children of Earth.

First I want to say I have never allowed anyone to channel me. Nor have I relayed any of these direct messages from me to you other than through Alexandra. I designated her to be the receiver of my messages to give to my children. All others are impersonators of your game with the purpose to deceive you into keeping the game going.

Now I am providing my final message to my children of this world! It is time to bring you home after thousands of millennia …

ITCCS Special Communique of May 5, 2017

An Update on the aftermath of the Ninth Circle disruptions and arrests of April 30

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett

Bringing Down Satan and his Ninth Circle: The Spiritual Reclamation

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett
On the Trail of the Killers
Stopping the Ninth Circle and Uprooting the Source of the Crime