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Guest Name
Thomas Brewer
Dr. Thomas Brewer Ph.D., Chemist, Nutritional Blood Microscopy Specialist, Educator, Inorganic Chemist Doctorate, Senior Research Scientist, Scientist, Patent Holder, Inventor, Writer, Entreprenuer, Speaker, Consultant
Guest Occupation
Chemist, Nutritional Blood Microscopy Specialist, Educator, Inorganic Chemist Doctorate, Senior Research Scientist, Scientist, Patent Holder, Inventor, Writer, Entreprenuer, Speaker, Consultant
Guest Biography

Thomas Brewer, Ph.D., Senior Research Chemist and Darkfield Microscopist

Dr. Brewer obtained his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Michigan State University in 1992. He worked in both industry and the national laboratory system as a senior research scientist for over a decade before starting his own consulting business. Dr. Brewer's research expertise in the disciplines of heterogeneous catalysis, waste remediation, and metal oxides resulted in the granting of one U.S. Patent, sixteen invention disclosures, and numerous papers and journal articles. His main strength is the ability to explain both complex and fundamental scientific phenomena in a simple and straightforward manner.

To those who know Dr. Brewer best, his evolution from research scientist to entrepreneur did not come as a surprise. Although he very much fit the scientist profile in terms of his intellect and analytical skills, there was a “people” side of him that was never given the opportunity to blossom inside the laboratory.

Even at the height of his career in research science, Dr. Brewer’s communication and leadership skills were underutilized. His new career as a darkfield microscopist, speaker, and consultant with Enriching Gifts International gives him the opportunity to use those talents. Utilizing his agile mind and deductive gifts, he is helping people from all walks of life understand their body’s health and nutritional needs using down-to-earth principles everyone can understand.