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Guest Name
Althea Lucrezia Avanzo
Pleiadian Rainbow Princess• Atlantean & Lemurian High Priestess• Multidimensional Gridworker
Guest Occupation
Light Language Channeler, Galactic Contact, Akashic & Psychic Healer, Reiki Master, Kundalini Yoga Guru, Tarot Maestro, Astrological Diviner
Guest Biography

My guest Althea Lucrezia is a Light Language Channeler, Galactic Contact, Akashic & Psychic Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga teacher, plus Tarot & Divination Astrologer.  She was born in Milan, Italy and has travelled and worked perfecting her craft worldwide eventually settling in South Africa.  Althea has had psychic & intuitive insight and prophetic dreaming from a young age and decided to pursue this as a career.  Her specialty is Light Language channeled in all forms – written, drawn, sung, spoken, and signed. Althea does a lot of timeline clearing on both an individual and collective level. She channels 5D and up higher dimensional frequency codes and anchors them in the Third/Fourth Dimensional matrix construct to help raise the planetary frequency.