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BEN BLUM - a 13 year old student filmmaker won a C-SPAN award for his documentary on warrantless government spying.  Featured in the film was MARK KLEIN a retired AT&t tech who blew the whistle when he discovered that AT&T had given the NSA an office to spy on customers.  Ben appears in this episode of The People Speak with his hero Mark and both tell the story of how the NSA has been spying on Americans for more than a decade -  way before Edward Snowden became famous for his leaks about the NSA.

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Silby-Meadors and special guest, Roy Garner

The War Report on Public Education with Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. and special guest Dr. Julian Vasquez Heilig.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

What are you really eating?

With the approval of the USDA Food Codex, genetic modification, and the increased vigilance to shut down the “family farm,” what has happened to our food supply and why? How does this affect our life, our health, and our future? Tune in to hear Sri and Kira discuss:

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez on BBS Radio! Today's topic THE MIDDLE CLASS in AMERICA!

Together we hope our show will start a dialogue with America about the issues that are important to you and affect the lives of all of us!

Global Spring Uprising at the 'Tipping Point'

 "Highly evolved people have their
own conscience as pure law."

~ Lao Tzu

I'll be doing a reading on this 'Global Spring Uprising'
tonight on Cosmic LOVE. 

Article featuring 5 videos at: 'Global Spring Uprising'.

Call it the Tipping Point or O-point or Critical Mass,
the Hundredth Monkey Effect or Global Uprising.
Mass awakening and enlightenment has already
occurred in the quantum field continuum, and

The Political Fix with Heather Vale Goss, Jay Amernick and Rick Raddatz. Discussing the latest News and World Events, and political leanings!

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Silby-Meadors and special guest, Kevin Annett

Former Obama supporter Carey Wedler became a YouTube viral sensation with over 1 million hits,  showing her torching her Obama T-Shirt and explaining the many reasons why she felt betrayed by President Obama who she supported and campaigned.

Carey goes into detail about her reasons for no longer supporting Obama and becoming a Libertarian who supports Ron Paul.  Among other topics covered: education, US foreign policy, Federal Reserve, political corruption.


Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio - Redesign world system that supports life for all of life! Development of new systems of economics and governance that supports everyone! Guest Daniel Schmachtenberger, Founder and Research Director of Critical Path Global