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Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves and guest Jim Connolly

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Spirituality, Group Consciousness, group meditation, Dimensional Sources, Intelligences, Group Healing, Grid Healing, Intelligent Infinity, Creators, Healing, Meditation, Planetary Healing, Personal Meditation, Healing the Grid, Energy Grids, Ley Lines, Earth Energy, Energy Healing

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle

10-16-17 – 1 Peter 2:13 Submit Yourself to Authorities

God has given us authorities to keep us safe. We are to submit to those authorities. However, when authorities clash with the laws of God we are to take a stand for God. God has given his laws to the citizens of Heaven. As Christians, we must follow those laws.


Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss some of the causes and cures for violence in our communities.


Our guest, Jolen Philbrook, talks about releasing stress and bringing yourself to a better place in life.


Culinary-team-building expert, speaker, prosperity coach, author
Every Day is a New Day with Kim O'Neill

Every Day is a New Day with Kim O'Neill

10/11/17: Guests BENNIE MAYBERRY & JAIME APLIN talk about their chapters in the forthcoming book Positive Minded People: Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Adversity for Living a More Positive Life

YOUTUBE: Kim O'Neill on YouTube


His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle

10-13-17 – 1Peter 2:10-12 – You Are Aliens and Strangers

“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits.” Jesus is coming back soon! God expects us to live among the pagans and give an example of Jesus. We are expected to glorify God in our lives in such a way that others will want to become citizens of the most high Kingdom; the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle

10-12-17 – 1Peter 2:7-10 – You Are a Royal Priesthood

If you have chosen Jesus, you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. Those who are in Jesus are foreigners and strangers in this world. We are a holy nation of the saved. Our citizenship does not reside in America or any place else in this world. Those who have accepted Christ are citizens of Heaven. Our life is but a fleeting moment here on earth.

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Spirituality, Group Consciousness, group meditation, Dimensional Sources, Intelligences, Group Healing, Grid Healing, Intelligent Infinity, Creators, Healing, Meditation, Planetary Healing, Personal Meditation, Healing the Grid, Energy Grids, Ley Lines, Earth Energy, Energy Healing