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Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick  welcomed Dr. Emil Faithe to the show on Sept 25th Monday 2017. More and More in my own readings I am asked about medical issues, and many of them touch on the exact issues Dr. Emil addressed on this airing. With his Education as a Dr. of Holistic Pharmacy - a medical Intuitive and as a Sensitive (s) Therapist, he was able to break wide open the many causes, issues, symptoms and basic mis information sensitives are and have been given for decades.

Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss eliminating the shame and stigma surrounding addiction and mental illness while empowering people through their journey of family crisis.


Our guest, Jodee Prouse, shares the story of her brother and his battle with alcoholism in hopes of helping other families that are suffering.


Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - WEDNESDAY

The Voice of the Ashtar Command Commander Lady Athena Sheran


The Voice of the Ashtar Command with Commander Lady Athena

Time to talk about this NFL controversy.

Do you feel good about yourself? Are you OK with where you are in life? Or, have you been caught up in the endless push to be more, do more, have more?

Where did you learn this?

Guest, Jonathan Mitchell, talks about unleashing greatness within yourself. Is it a must, a push, a realistic expectation? Or, is it hype? Listen in.

The Kickass Relationship Show with Midori Verity

Did you hit your 40’s and feel some how your energy level, mind clarity, and weight control were left behind in your 30’s? Expert in hormone health and nutrition, Nicki Williams, discusses the best foods to eat, exercise changes, and the number one worst thing for your health after 40. This is an episode ALL women will benefit from!

This is a safe zone to discuss universal issues. We want you to know better, do better and be better.

Hair Head and Heart with Douglas Newsom

Guests, Patty Hooey and Ezra Kazee - Minnesota State Academy for the Blind Foundation