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Awakening Matters with Cynthia Slon

Awakening Matters with Cynthia Slon

You are frequency, and why it is important to contemplate this

Tony Alamo

World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 753

When I (Jesus) see you going into something that you should not go into, I'm going to convict you, I'm going to put a feeling of like you almost having a heart attack inside your body. It's your spirit that I am going to charge, I am going to convict, so that you know that I don't want you to do this and also I'm going to anoint you when I want you to do something. So you have to be very attentive to the convicting Spirit of the Lord.

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil

Guests, Dr. Nick DiNubile and Saul Blinkoff

Discussing Three Newsletters from the last two weeks.

Call To Decision with Pastor Butch Paugh

Call To Decision with Pastor Butch Paugh

Guest, Summer Drey with Superior Mtn. Herbs will be sharing her monthly specials and excellent info on herbs for health

You can have a great product or service, and if no one knows about it, they can’t buy it. So, no one benefits.

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns

Title: S2 EP24 | Sandi Gold Chooses Love and Defied the Doctor's Death Sentence by 37 Years and Counting | Sandi Gold

Imagine being told you have 6 months to live?  And deciding that you just weren't going to die?  Sandi Gold didn't like how the 5 neurologists were talking to her and decided to explore other options besides death.

Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier

Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier

The Covenant of Grace

Award-Winning Educator, Authority on School Culture, Principal, Author
CEO Superluminal Systems 🌎 CoreNexus ☮️UNIFY Cofounder ⚛️Unified Physicist: Resonance Academy ☯️D’Jedi: Guardian Alliance 🕉DJ 🎧♓️ Sacred Sexuality💟